Chapter 1

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Today is the day, the day I marry a monster, the day my surname changes, the day I become his wife

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Today is the day, the day I marry a monster, the day my surname changes, the day I become his wife.

I look at my reflection in the long mirror. Everyone says I look beautiful in this white dress, but all I see is a young woman who is sacrificing her life for her family's reputation. This wedding was not supposed to be mine, but my sister's...Isabella.

Two days earlier

"Isabella. You really cannot be serious about this! We have agreed and you can't get cold feet now!" My mother, Elizabeth, shouts from across the living room, glaring at my sister. "He is abusive mum and you still want me to marry him? How could you?" My sister falls to her knees, crying.

I look at her, noticing the horrific bruises on her arms, my heart breaks as I see my sister in such a condition, "Isabelle." I kneel next to her, comforting her, "You need to calm down. Let me speak to mum and dad." I whisper to her. She glances up at me with tears in her bright blue eyes and shakes her head, "Violet, he treats me like I am nothing. Mum and dad still want me to marry a monster just because of a business agreement! He is cruel and he made me suffer to the point where he finally broke me."

She grabs my shoulders and jerks me forward, "You do not know what he's capable of." She whispers in my ear, Isabelle was in a hysterical state.

"Get away from her, Violet." My father bends down and pulls me away. "You have gone insane! He will never do that. I know the man, he loves you! Yes! This is also a business deal and by you behaving in such a manner, it is like you want to ruin the Amber name!"

My sister continues crying but all I can do is rest my eyes on my feet, trying so hard to ignore what is going on. Isabelle continues trying to convince our parents how much of a monster that man is but they still choose not to believe her, "SHUT UP ISABELLA!" My dad roars, as he storms up to her and grabs her by the shoulders, yanking her up from the ice cold floor and what happens next is something that no man should ever do to their daughter or any woman perhaps. He slaps her, I, strongly believe that no man should raise their hands on a woman and I stand strongly by my belief.

"I have had it with you. I have had it with your constant complaints and your lies! Pack your bags and leave this house immediately! I do not ever want to see your face anywhere near this house or in front of any one of us. You are dead to this family."

I stare at my dad in shock. How could he do this? Can he not see the bruises on her? Why were they acting blind. I turn to look at my mother, "Mum you can't le-" Before I could finish, my mother raises her hand stopping me from uttering another word, "Violet, you will not speak. Go get the helpers and make them pack her stuff up, and call a cab - right now."

I can not believe this is happening. What kind of parents are they? "NOW VIOLET!" My father roars again. I grab Isabella and rush her upstairs towards her bedroom. I push open her bedroom door and shut it when we get in.

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