Chapter 1

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Jasmine's POV

Finally I get to go home. After 4 years of college you could say I'm a little home sick. I've been studying at Yale to become a doctor and I was top of all my classes and I got an offer to work at one of the best hospital's in the world, also it's in the same state where I grew up in Chicago.
My family didn't come for my graduation yesterday cause they were apparently busy. Yeah right.

My dad is the leader of the second best and second most feared gang in the world, the Nigh Howlers. He always wanted all three of his kids to join his gang and live for the gang but I had other ideas and goals. My mom is proud of me but still takes my dad side. It is the family business after all.

My sister Sarah is the oldest. She's 23 meaning she's 2 years older then me and is obviously daddy's favorite. She is in the gang and the second best at everything. I don't want to brag or anything but I'm the best there is. I'm the strongest and best fighter, shooter, knive thrower, dancer, everything. That's also why my dad didn't want me to go to college so I can take over his gang cause I'm the best.

My brother Nicholas is 22 just a year older then me. He's been by my side and stood up for me for everything but he's also in my dad's gang and is actually his third in command. So my father has gotten into his head. We were inseparable when I lived here but since I went to Yale we lost it and he joined the rest of my family.

I am the outcast to my family, the black sheep, the disappointment. Where other parents would be over the moon to have their child be the best student in Yale, mine was disappointed.

I love them and they'll always be my family but they will never love me as much as I love them. They only see me as the child who left to become a doctor and the child who doesn't care about the family business.

Climbing out of the car with my suitcases I stare up at my childhood mansion. With big white walls, two storey's with a huge pool, alot of balconies and is super long. With a garage under the house and a big driveway up to the house. We we're rich well my parents is rich.

I'm also rich but I don't like to brag about that. I got a full scholarship to Yale so I didn't had to pay for a thing. And overtime I worked and saved money also when my grams died she left me all her money and she was a rich woman even richer then my dad. So I'm well off until I'm at least 80 years old.

Beginning to walk to the door I don't know if I should knock or just walk in. Deciding to knock, I knocked 3 times letting them know it's a family member. I heard my mom yell a 'coming' and footsteps. When she opened the door she completely froze at the sight of me.

I used to have long brown hair but at the beginning of this year I cut it shoulder length. Also I have bright greenish eyes with specks of brown and blue in them, I'm also short with a height of 5'5. I have curves but I'm well build and fit with light soft skin.

My mom has blueish brown eyes with brown hair and a height of 5'7. She's beautiful and has light soft skin that I also have.

''Jasmine?'' She asked dumbfounded.

''Hi mom.'' I smiled at her. She smiled back and pulled me in for a tight hug.

''I missed you sweetie.'' She said after she let go of me with teary eyes.

''I missed you too mom.'' I smiled back.

''What are you doing home?'' She asked when we closed the door and started walking towards the kitchen.

''Um mom I graduated yesterday remember?'' I stated and asked.

''Right congratulations sweetie.'' She smiled at me.

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