Chapter 37

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Jasmine's POV

After they left I packed everything up and handed it to the cashier. He smiled at me and took it back. Taking my ice cream from Grayson I pick up my jacket not even putting it on.

''You cold?'' I asked Natasha. She nodded and I handed my jacket to her. She smiled and put it on.

''Jasmine?'' A familiar voice asked behind me. When I turned around I saw the last people I ever though I would see again or wanted to see.

''Oliver?'' I asked looking at them.

''Wow I didn't expect to see any of you again.'' I said honestly. Looking at Oliver who had blonde hair with green eyes. Jace had brown hair with blueish eyes and Brandon had brown hair wth brown eyes. All of them is 6'1 and handsome.

''Same.'' All 3 of them said.

''What are you doing here Jas?'' Jace asked.

''I moved back and it's Jasmine.'' I said shortly.

Now you might be wondering why I'm talking like that it's cause my father well Matthew payed Oliver to date me and Jace and Brandon were in on it. I found out and cornered them about it. Let's just say Oliver ended up in the hospital for 3 weeks while Jace and Brandon had broken noses and a few cracked ribs. That happened a year before I met Scott. They were there when Scott and Aria was killed and I'll never forget that.

''Listen Jasmine-'' Oliver began but I cut him off.

''Not tonight Oliver and not ever again. You should've stayed in New York.'' I said and walked away with everyone following me. I was shaking in anger and I didn't want to talk about it.

''Jasmine deep breaths.'' Hunter said beside me. I stopped and did what he said. When I opened my eyes he smiled at me and I smiled back.

''I'm going home guys.'' I said and walked towards my car.

''Yeah I'll follow you.'' Natasha said. I nodded and smiled.

''I'm moving in tomorrow. So I'll pack tonight and I'll see you tomorrow night.'' Riley smiled at me.

I smiled back and climbed in my car. I drove home with Natasha following me. When we got there we stopped and climbed out. We walked in silence until we came to the kitchen.

''Interesting night.'' She chuckled.

''Never a dull moment.'' I chuckled back.

Hunter's POV

After Jasmine and Natasha left we looked at the 3 guys standing there until Grayson spoke with a glare and Jason looked just as pissed.

''You should listen to her, Oliver.'' Grayson gritted.

''We never ment to hurt her.'' This Oliver guy said.

''Hurt my ass. You fucking used her all of you did and neither of you know the truth.'' Jason said through gritted teeth.

''We do.'' One of them said.

''And that is?'' Ethan asked with a raised eyebrow.

''Her father Matthew paid us to become her friends and me to date her. She didn't know until we already left.'' Oliver said.

''Why did you leave?'' I blurted out.

''Cause Matthew said we weren't needed anymore and said we should hurt her and move away.'' Oliver said.

''Gosh you guys are so stupid.'' Calvin sighed.

''Why?'' All 3 of them asked.

''Cause she new the second you looked at her Oliver. She new from the start what Matthew did but she played along cause she didn't want any of you hurt. Matthew sent someone to kill you but Jasmine stopped them and pleaded to Matthew to just move you away cause she was already hurt enough. She acted.'' Ethan explained with a glare at them. All 3 of them looked shocked even we were shocked.

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