Chapter 9

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Jason's POV

I can't believe Jasmine's back. I missed her so much and I know Bella did too. But seeing her after almost 4 years is unbelievable.

"Jason, what took you so long man?" Connor asked with Bella in his arms.

"Rose!" Bella screamed and jumped out of Connor's arms and ran straight into Jasmine's opened arms.

"Hi babygirl." Jasmine smiled down at Bella. Jasmine is amazing with kids and Bella looks up to Jasmine.

"You're beautiful Rose." Bella smiled up at Jasmine.

"Thanks babygirl. You're also beautiful." Jasmine smiled at Bella.

"Thanks Rose." Bella blushed and kissed Jasmine's cheek.

"Who's this?" Conner and Blake asks. When did Blake get here.

"I'm Jasmine and this is the Black Demons. Nice to meet you." Jasmine smiles and shakes their outstretched hands.

"I'm Connor and this is Blake,and it's an honour to meet you,all of you." Conner smiled at Jasmine.

"I'm Carter the leader." Carter said and shook their hands. Jasmine just rolled her eyes and looked back at Bella.

"Hey guys and Jasmine." Dean greeted.

"Wait Jasmine?" He asked with wide eyes.

"Hi Dean." Jasmine smirked.

"H-how?" Dean stuttered.

"I saw your tattoo. I also know Nathan is apart of this gang and that he will be here after his shift in about 5,4,3,2,1." Jasmine smirked just when the door opened revealing Nathan.

"Hi guys and Jasmine." He greeted.

"Wait Jasmine?" He asked wide eyed when he noticed what he said.

"Hi Nathan." Jasmine smirked. She looks so good. I forgot how amazing she looked.

"H-hi." He stuttered out.

"Anyway. Bella why don't you go up and play a little, I need to speak with daddy." Jasmine said. Bella nodded and walked up to her room while Jasmine walked to the lounge. We all followed and took a seat.

"Okay what do you need to talk about?" I asked when I took my seat.

"Listen Jason, I know it hurts and that it will always hurt but you need to man up and take care of that little girl there. She need you now more then ever and you can't see it. She misses Aria too damn even I do but she needs to know she has you and that you have her otherwise this isn't going to work, and you'll never be able to move on and be the father that she needs you to be." Jasmine said to me and I looked at her completely stunned.

Luke's POV

"Listen Jason, I know it hurts and that it will always hurt but you need to man up and take care of that little girl there. She needs you now more then ever and you can't see it. She misses Aria too damn even I do but she needs to know she has you and that you have her otherwise this isn't going to work, and you'll never be able to move on and be the father that she needs you to be." Jasmine said to Jason and he looked at her completely stunned.

"Don't let this day and her memory ruin your and Bella's lifes forever. This wasn't your fault Jason, it was mine and I know you're gonna say no it wasn't but yes it was. Just be there for her, and the rest of you be there for both of them." Jasmine finished and stood up.

"Jasmine?" Jason asked when Jasmine started walking.

"Yeah?" She asked and turned around.

"Thank you. I needed this. We needed this. We're always be here for you just like you'll always be here of us. Be careful." Jason smiled and pulled Jasmine in for a hug.

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