Chapter 19

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Luke's POV

What the fuck just happened. We drove home but none of us saw Jasmine behind us. After we arrived Jasmine came driving in with a smashed up car. We all stopped and walked until someone fell behind us. On the grass layed Hunter bleeding.

''Get him in the house now.'' Jasmine ordered looking a little out of it.

Carter picked him up and walked to the house. When he got inside he layed Hunter on the kitchen counter. Jasmine came in holding her left side.

''Get me the medical aid kit.'' Jasmine said. Sam came and gave it to her.

''Is he fine? Will he make it? How deep is the bullet? Does he need blood? What's his blood type?'' Carter asked all these questions freaking out.

''Carter go take walk.'' Jasmine demanded.

''What no I-I.''

''Now!'' Jasmine demanded and cut Carter off. He nodded and walked away.

''Zack, Ryder go with him.'' Jasmine said. They nodded and followed Carter.

Jasmine ripped open Hunter's shirt revealing a shot just under his heart. She began working and got the bullet out. It didn't do any damage and she said he passed out cause of the blood. Soon enough Carter was back and Hunter woke up.

''Here drink this. Also don't be to rough you have quite the shot there. Just go and relax for the rest of the day.'' Jasmine explained handing him pain meds.

''Thanks Jas.'' Carter smiled and helped Hunter up to his room.

Jasmine began packing the stuff away until she almost fell over, luckily Carter just walked in. Him and I both caught Jasmine before she fell.

''Jasmine?'' I asked.

''Wait hold up.'' Nathan said. He came and told us to lift Jasmine on top of the counter.

He checked her pulse and then her heart beat and everything. Until she finally opened her eyes and shook her head.

''Jasmine? Are you okay?'' Nathan asked a little worried.

''Yeah.'' She said weakly.

''Where does it hurt?'' Nathan asked.

''My left side where the van hit me.'' She said holding her left side.

''Can I check?'' Nathan asked. Jasmine nodded and lifted up her shirt. There was a few cuts and bruises.

''I just cracked a few ribs it's okay. Also I have a concussion cause I hit my head pretty hard against my door. Just give me some aspirin I'll be fine in a few hours.'' Jasmine explained and jumped off of the counter with a small wince. Nathan handed her aspirin and she swallowed 2 down with water Cole handed her.

She began walking but she almost fell again. I caught her and took her to her room. There I pulled of her shoes and tucked her in.

I was just down the stairs when Jasmine's phone rang. I heard her sigh and pick it up.

''Hello?'' She answered and I heard her putting it on speaker.

''Dr. Mikaelson it's Erica. We need your help again.'' Erica I think said on the other line.

''What happened?'' Jasmine asked.

''Fell out of a two story high window. He needs surgery cause he needs a new heart that will be here in 10 minutes. His heart failed and is packing up luckily we had the perfect match in 5 minutes.'' Erica explained.

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