Chapter 15

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Jake's POV

After the girls left and went to get ready. Carter began going through the plan again.

''Listen Carter. We got this relax.'' Luke sighed.

''Sorry. It's just Jasmine's first mission and I'm worried about her.'' Carter sighed.

''Relax man. We all know she's better then all of us and she can handle herself.'' Hunter said with a knowing look.

''Right. Sorry.'' Carter sighed.

''Let's get ready.'' I suggested. Everyone nodded and left. After about 10 minutes all the guys was in the lounge wearing jeans with black or white tight fitted t-shirts and sneakers.

''Does everyone have their guns and so on?'' Chris asked.

''Yeah.'' We reply.

After about 5 minutes the girls came down in their dancing outfits. Brooke, Emily, Riley and Rebekah was dressed in a black skater skirt with a black crop t-shirt that says 'fuxk' with black ankle high heeled boots. They looked great. Jasmine came down and all of us was breathing hard. She had on a black high waisted skirt but the under skirt stopped a few inches above mid thigh with two long skirts going infront and the back. With a black short crop top that is binded to the skirt with strings also with strings on her cleavage, with black zip up high heels. She looked hot AF.

''You girls look amazing.'' Chris spoke up.

''Thanks.'' They smiled.

''Here take these throwing knives, just in case.'' Carter said and handed it to them.

''Okay.'' They said. The girls put it in their boots while Jasmine put it in her under skirt.

''Doesn't it hurt?'' Enrico asked.

''No. I just don't have to move the wrong way.'' Jasmine shrugged.

''Girls you will take Jasmine's mustang. We will ride our bikes.'' Luke explained.

''Wait Mustang?'' Morgan asked.

''Yes. That mustang you saw at McDonald's it's mine. A Mustang GT V10.'' Jasmine explained.

''Damn.'' We all breath out

''Let's go.'' Hunter said throwing an arm around Jasmine's shoulder.

''You look hot.'' He whispered.

''Dude you're to young. But yeah you do.'' Cole said also throwing an arm around her shoulder.

''Thanks I know.'' She smirked and shrugged their arms off.

''Everytime.'' They mumbled while we laughed.

We drove to club MIXT (a/n made it up) in under 10 minutes and when we got out everyone was staring at the girls but the guys in line stared in lust and awe at Jasmine. Just then the bouncer stopped us.

''Name?'' The bouncer asked looking Jasmine up and down.

''We're the entertainment for tonight, sweet cheeks. Also we brought some company.'' Jasmine said in a sexy voice, rubbing her hand up and down his chest.

''O-of c-course. Come on in.'' He stuttered and opened the door for us.

''Thanks sweet cheeks.'' Jasmine purred and kissed his cheek. Damn this girl is good.

We all walked in and the girls walked backstage not before Jasmine nodded her head towards the VIP area and we saw Jacob looking at Jasmine. She looked up and winked at him. He only smirked and saluted her.

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