Chapter 23

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Mason's POV

How the fuck am I supposed to apologize to her if she wants to kill me or she's gonna blow up.

That was what I was thinking the rest of the morning until I got an idea. I really hope she like's it and doesn't kills me. I set my plan into action.

I'm gonna decorate her balcony with roses and 1000 I'm sorry notes. I'll have a McFlurry with 2 cheese burgers and chips and a strawberry and chocolate milkshake. She can choose which flavour she wants.

Getting everything ready I do it all by myself and then walked into Emily's room.

''Go away.'' Emily sighed.

''Em I'm so sorry I didn't mean to call you a slut or anything. And I know that you like me and I like you too but I'm not the right guy for you.'' I said with a single rose. She sat up and took the rose.

''I figured that much. It was just a stupid crush. You're like a brother to me.'' Emily said with a small smile.

''But you idiot.'' She yelled and wacked me behind my head.

''Ow ow why?'' I asked with a pout.

''You better apologize to Jasmine. You screwed up big time Mase.'' Emily said shaking her head.

''I know and I have an idea.'' I said with a proud smile. Just then I heard the front door open. I walked out and stood by the top of the stairs.

''How did it go?'' Cole asked.

''Good. It was just a broken arm nothing much.'' Jasmine replied.

''You okay?'' Hunter asked.

''Just peachy.'' She sighed and walked towards me. I ran into her room and stood by the balcony door.

She came in with a tired look and threw her doctors coat on her bed along with her phone and wallet.

''Jasmine?'' I asked. She stopped and looked up slowly. I saw the fury in her eyes but it was a little calmer.

''Yes?'' She asked calmly. Why is she so calm? How is she so calm?

''Mind coming outside with me please?'' I asked nervously. She slowly nodded and followed me out onto her balcony. She stopped dead in her tracks when she saw everything.

''What's this?'' She asked slowly.

''An apology.'' I said nervously. She nodded and sat down on the blanket.

''Please don't kill me yet. I promise I will never say anything like that again. I was just shocked and I lost my mind. Emily is like a little sister to me and when I saw her she looked so hot then I got angry at myself for thinking that and I didn't mean to say everything especially to you and I didn't mean any of it. I'm so so so sorry for everything and I know it was a dick move to bring up the past and I-'' I rambled on until Jasmine stuffed some fries into my mouth with an amused look. I shewed and swallowed it slowly.

''Are you done rambling?'' Jasmine asked with a small smile.

''Are you gonna kill me, yet?'' I asked.


''Then yes. I'm done.'' I smiled.

''I understand Mason. And I'm so sorry I lost my shit and chocked you and broke your jaw.'' Jasmine sighed.

"You don't have to be sorry for anything Jas. I'm sorry for being such an fucking idiot. Please forgive me?" I pleaded.

"I forgive you." Jasmine smiled.

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