Chapter 16

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Jasmine's POV

After I got to the hospital I had to do a surgery on a little girl who fell of a swing and hit her head against a rock. There was little parts of the rock in her head and she has a concussion but other then that she has no brain damage or anything.

''Good job this morning Dr. Mikaelson.'' A husky voice whispered in my ear.

''Thank you Dr. Sawyer.'' I smirked and turned around facing him.

''How'd you know?'' He asked stunned.

''I know your voice.'' I laughed.

''But I made it all husky and sexy.'' Nathan pouted.

''Your voice sounded the same.'' I shrugged.

''So your saying my voice is always husky and sexy?'' Nathan asked with a smirk.

''No you're saying that. I'm saying that no one could ever forget your voice.'' I smirked at him.

''Cause it's so sexy.'' He smirked.

''No cause it's so annoying.'' I laughed.

''You're mean.'' He pouted.

''I never said I was nice.'' I chuckled.

''Come one. We have rounds to do Dr. Mikaelson.'' Nathan laughed with me.

''I'm coming Dr. Sawyer.'' I smirked and we walked doing our rounds.

Lunch came around and me, Nathan, Tori and Dean got our food and went to a table.

''So how was your day so far?'' Dean asked me.

''Busy, but fine I guess.'' I shrugged taking a bite of my bacon burger. Dean nodded and took a bite of his chicken burger.

''Fan group on their way.'' Nathan chuckled.

''Hey Dr. Mikaelson.'' Seth I thing greeted.

''Hello Seth, Gary, John, Naomi and Olivia.'' I greeted them.

''Hi.'' Gary, John, Naomi and Olivia greeted.

''Mind if we sit?'' Seth asked.

''Of course not.'' I smiled.

''Thanks.'' They smiled.

''Dr. Mikaelson can we ask you something?'' Naomi asked.

''Sure.'' I smiled. The guys had their own conversation.

''Well how do you know when a guy truly loves you and isn't faking it?'' Olivia asked. This had the guys attention and they looked at me.

''If he truly loves you he would do anything for you even if it is just to make you smile or make your pain go away. He will fight for you and be there for you throughout thick and thin. Always when you look in his eyes at first there will be this unreadable emotion but soon you will realize that it is love and that love only shows for you.'' I answered them with a small smile.

''But what if you love him and he doesn't love you back or he's scared that you don't love him back?'' Naomi asked.

''Well then he wasn't the one for you. And if you know he's scared take the risk and tell him how you feel and take things from there.'' I smiled.

''Thanks Jasmine.'' Naomi and Olivia smiled.

''Anytime girls.'' I half smiled. They smiled and all 5 of them left.

''You okay?'' Nathan asked looking at me.

''Yeah. I'm fine.'' I smiled.

''I have rounds to do. See you later.'' I said and stood up walking away.

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