Chapter 42

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Alexander's POV

After Brody made us left Jasmine's room I can't stop worrying. What if she had another panick attack? What if she breaks? What if I lose her again? What if-

''You better stop with all those what if's going on in your mind.'' Jasmine's voice said from behind me. Scaring the shit out of a few of us.

''I-I wasn't doing the what if's.'' I stuttered a little.

''Mmmh. And I have rainbows in my hair.'' She replied sarcastically.

''Or pooping rainbows.'' Natasha added with a small smile. She walked towards Jasmine and immediately pulled her in for a tight hug.

''God Jassy I'm so so sorry boo. Please forgive me? I didn't know what I was thinking and with everything going on not that alot is going on but still I was overwhelmed and Carter was there and we hooked up sorta and then you came and I saw your face and I felt so guilty. Also I didn't mean it your like one of my best friends and I don't want to lose you and-'' Natasha gets cut off of her rant when Jasmine clapped a hand over her mouth.

''Breath Tash. And I forgive you. I'm also sorry for everything I said that made you sad or anything.'' Jasmine smiled finally removing her hand from Natasha's lips. Natasha nodded and hugged Jasmine tighter.

''Awwww girl hug.'' Rebekah squealed and soon even Riley was pulled in the hug.

''So about this amazing view from the party place? Can we see it too?'' Ashton asked like a little boy with a pout.

''Sorry big boy but you'll have to wait and see.'' Jasmine smirked.

''I know where it is.'' I whispered in her ear. She turns towards me with a death glare and I immediately lifted my hands up taking a step back.

''It's all good. Brody will show us right?'' Ashton smiled at Brody. Jasmine gave him the same glare and he shakes his head.

''Nah-ah I choose life thanks.'' Brody chuckled.

After that we all just relaxed and watched movies and ate of course. Around 3 am everyone was asleep even me.

Waking up to the smell of bacon and chocolate. I immediately sit up seeing just a few still sleeping. Heading towards the kitchen I walk in to see Jasmine, Natasha, Riley and Rebekah cooking. Jasmine and Riley both had pans with bacon and even scarmbled eggs while Natasha is mixing something and Rebekah flipped a pancake. The guys were sitting laughing and talking.

''Morning.'' I greeted taking a seat next to Hunter.

''Morning.'' Everyone else smiled at me. Jasmine winks at me and I wink back.

''I've been killing to ask this but when did you get back?'' Natasha asked.

''Late yesterday morning actually. The first stop was Jasmine's old house but then I realize they weren't there and then I came here.'' I explained and I saw Jasmine smirk at the bacon.

''Jasmine where is Matthew and them?'' I asked suspiciously.

''We killed all of them.'' She shrugged.

''We?'' I asked shocked.

''Yeah. Me, the gang and Jason's gang.'' She shrugged.

''I didn't even get a goodbye wave.'' I pout slightly.

''Oh you definitely did. Through Jasmine's words.'' Hunter chuckled beside me.

''That's my girl.'' I smirked and high fived her.

She just sat the food down along with the other girls and the rest finally woke up when we heard the door being thrown open and small steps coming in with sobbing then louder voices and footsteps.

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