Chapter 45

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Carter's POV

We waited for 5 minutes until we heard heels coming down. The girls walked in and they looked good. All the guys had jeans with t-shirts on. Jasmine walked in and was busy putting on her leather jacket when she slightly winced but successfully got it on. They looked amazing but Jasmine stood out. She had the professional thing going on as well as sexy, young thing.

I hated going to family dinners cause usualy my dad would complain about MY gang and how HE wanted to be leader but couldn't. I took the gang from him cause he got old but also people shot him and they still believe his dead. He always tells me how to run the gang and how Hunter should be. We don't have the best relationship with our parents especially Hunter with everything going on.

We walked out and Jasmine took her McLaren. The girls climbed in with her and the rest of us split up. Hunter, Mason, Luke and Zack were with me. We started driving with everyone following me.

''I don't want to go.'' Hunter sighed.

''Neither do we.'' All of us replied.

''Just don't start a fight again please?'' Hunter sighed and asked me.

''Same goes for you little bro.'' I said. He nodded but smirked. I smirked back.

We got there in under 20 minutes and when we drove in my dad John, my mom Charlotte and my sister Jennifer stood outside waiting for us. When they saw my car my dad scowled. We stopped and I saw his scowl turn to surprise when he saw Jasmine and the girls climbing out of her car. My mom and sister glared in their way but they didn't care.

''You're late.'' He said when we reached him.

''You said 6pm. It's 5:55 we're early.'' I stated. He nodded with a frown. They greeted everyone and Jasmine went last when she got to them she politely smiled.

''Hi I'm Jasmine Mikaelson.'' She smiled.

''I'm John this is my wife Charlotte and daughter Jennifer.'' My dad introduced. Jasmine nodded. I heard my sister mumble something about her being the new slut. I know Jasmine heard her but she just smirked at me then changed it into a polite smile.

We all sat around the big dinner table. Jasmine was seated between me and Hunter. My parents were at the head and Jennifer across from me. We talked about little things until my dad just had to bring the gang up.

''How's the gang?'' He asked muching on his food. I stiffened and I knew Jasmine saw it. She placed a hand on mine under the table and squeezed it. I relaxed a little knowing I have someone with me.

''Good. We're still number one and took out the night howlers. Also we have been working with the Shadows and Ghosts.'' I explained.

''How dare you work with other gangs?'' My father growled.

''Cause we are stronger together.'' I defended. The table turned silent and everyone stared.

''It's because of your new little slut, isn't it?'' My mom sneered at Jasmine. I saw Jasmine's eyes turn darker and this time I squeezed her hand.

''No. We have been working together a while now. And she is not a slut mother.'' Hunter said.

''Watch your mouth boy.'' My father spat. I saw Jasmine sigh and shake her head.

''Jasmine, what do you do?'' Jennifer asked.

''I'm the boss of St. Mary's hospital. I'm aslo the best newly graduate from Yale and the best they ever had. And I'm only 21.'' She explained with a smirk at my family's shocked faces.

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