Chapter 34

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Jasmine's POV

''Get dressed and in half an hour we will meet each other here.'' Carter said and walked out with the others following him. I noticed how Jason and them gave me nervous looks but I just gave small smiles. Natasha stayed here with me.

''You sure?'' She asked when we walked to my room.

''No.'' I sighed out looking down.

''They don't know?'' She asked more like stated.

''No they don't.'' I sighed.

''I only know cause I caught you that one night.'' Natasha chuckled at the memory.

''I know and I haven't done it since then Tash. And I don't know if I can.'' I said honestly.

''Girl you're the Black fucking Widow. The queen of the streets. You are bound to return Jas and I think it's time.'' She said putting a hand on my shoulder. I nodded with a smile.

''I missed you Tash.'' I said and hugged her.

''I missed you too it's good to be home.'' She smiled.

''Wanna see your room?'' I asked. She squealed and I take that as my cue. I open a door revealing a room that looked like mine but it's just pink, black and white where mine is purple, black and white.

''God I love it. And I love you. Your the best Bestie ever.'' She squealed. I laughed and smiled at her.

''Get ready I'll see you soon.'' I chuckled and walked to my room.

Taking a quick shower and washing my hair I got out and walked to my closet. I walked to the back where I haven't been in a while and you can't see it. I clicked a button and the closet turned and revealed my black widow outfits. I picked out black leather skinny jeans with a black tight crop top that is criscrossed over a little part of my stomach with my crop leather jacket with my famous black high heeled boots that had studs on the heels and along the boot. Getting it I turn around to see Natasha standing with a smirk.

''I knew it.'' She smirked and walked out. I shaked my head and grabbed black lace undergarmets and push the button and it disappeared. I quickly changed and walked out with my heels in my hand.

I dried my hair and left it hanging on my shoulders with my fringe to the right. I did a black smokey eye with winged eyeliner and red lipstick. I grabbed perfume and sprayed some on and lastly I put on my shoes.

''You ready?'' Natasha asked walking in. She was wearing black ripped skinny jeans with a black crop top with a black and red flannel. With black high heels. I nodded and we walked out. I grabbed my phone and my purse on the way out. I heard voices in the kitchen and we followed them.

Carter's POV

We got to Jasmine house and everyone were excited about going to a race again. We haven't been there for a while now.

Jasmine's house is amazing and I have to admit I'm jealous. It's freaking amazing just like her. I did notice how Jason and them gave Jasmine nervous looks and she returned it when we mentioned the race. Maybe she has a thing for illegal races or something.

We walked in and towards the kitchen. Natasha was there and she smiled and said she'll go see how far Jasmine is. Soon after Jason's gang arrived and all of us were in the kitchen. Kyle and them are in Jason's gang along with the new guys.

We heard footsteps and Natasha walked in with a smirk directed at Jason and them. Just then Jasmine walked in all eyes were on her but she didn't look up she was staring at her phone. All of us took in a deep breath and she noticed she glanced up with a smile then looked at her phone again. She looked hot in her leather jeans and jacket.

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