Chapter 21

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Jasmine's POV

All of us walked to the kitchen considering I've been busy with my car the whole day. When we got there Jake was busy making food with Emily and Brooke.

''Hi guys and Jasmine.'' Emily smiled.

''Hi girls and Jake.'' I greeted back with a half smile. I had this feeling in my gut and I didn't like it.

''What you making?'' Hunter asked.

''It's a surprise.'' Jake smirked. I looked down and I could feel myself getting lost.

''You okay?'' Carter asked softly. I gave a tight smile and stood up.

''I uh ex-excuse me.'' I said and speed walked out of the kitchen towards my room.

When I got there I locked the door and slid down and hold my side. I began breathing hard as everything rushed back. All the memories I tried to forget and all the feelings. It felt like someone stole all the oxygen in my lungs. I stood up and walked out on my balcony.

Bending over I remember how everything was in the past and how most of it was all my fault.
By now I was breathing hard like I've been running from something my entire life. Trying to relax myself I started taking deep breaths. This hasn't happen since the last time I saw Alexander and that was 2 years ago. The deep breaths didn't help at all.

Ethan's POV

''I uh ex-exuse me.'' Jasmine said and speed walked out of the kitchen. I heard her door slam close. I saw it when we walked in that something was off.

''What happened?'' Emily asked.

''I don't know.'' Everyone said. Then it hit me her eyes were dull, she was sucking in deep breaths and she looked completely lost. My eyes went wide and I abruptly stood up.

Everyone looked at me but before they could say anything I ran upstairs. I heard their footsteps but didn't care I needed to get to her. I knocked on the door but I heard nothing.

''What's going on?'' Carter demanded.

''She's having a panick attack.'' I said worriedly.

''But she'll be fine, right?'' Jake asked.

''I don't know. The last time I saw her she had one and couldn't breath, until she passed out. She was in the hospital for 2 weeks.'' I said scared. I heard her coughing and I lost it.

I kicked open her door to see her crouching down on the balcony. I ran to her and rubbed her back.

''Where is it Jasmine?'' I asked hurriedly. She pointed towards her bedside table. I ran to it and got out the inhaler and ran towards her.

I gave it to her and she inhaled 3 times but it didn't work. She did it again 3 times and she started breathing better but her breathing wasn't even. She stood up with her hands on her knees and her breathing loud. When I looked up all the guys and girls stood around us completely shocked.

''Jasmine?'' I asked. She held up her hand and shook her head. She then stood up and took 3 breaths of the inhaler again and looked up at the sky. Her breathing got a little better but she didn't look down.

I walked to her and put a hand on her shoulder with a light squeeze. Her right arm was holding her left side and her left arm was holding the inhaler.

''Look at me, please?'' I pleaded. She lowered her head and our eyes met.

''Breathe. Slowly. In and out. I got you. It's okay Jassy.'' I cooed in a soft tone. She nodded and took deep breaths.

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