Chapter 14

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Morgan's POV

Finally it's Saturday. This has been one hell of a week. With gangs fighting and thankfully none of us got dragged in to that with the Night Howlers and the Black Demons, the Shadows helped the Black Demons.

Apparently the Black Demons had inside help or something like that. Nobody really knows.

"Wake up dude." Jake said clapping my back.

"I'm up." I groaned.

Jake is my second in command and Chris is my third. Damon and Enrico is just in the gang. We are the Ghosts. It is only us 5 and we blend in easily.

The rest of the day we just stayed home and worked and so on. We went out and drove around a little and went to this high school party. Then we went to McDonald's.

We were there for about 10 minutes when we saw a Mustang GT drive in and park. Two people came out. It was dark but all I saw was a white racing stripe and I think the car was purple. The door opened and a guy came in with brown hair and blue jeans and a white tight fitted t-shirt. He looked like he just came from a party.

Next a girl walked in and all of us stared at her. She was wearing a tight greyish dress that had a heart shaped low v-neck with straps over her cleavage and on her right thigh. The dress reached about mid thigh. She had short hair that reached her shoulders with silver heels. She also had a greyish smokey eye with red lipstick. She is hot AF.

I recognized the guy as one of the Black Demons, but the girl also looked strangely familiar however I can't pinpoint how I know her. The guy looked at all of us then back at the girl.

They ordered their food and took a seat. After about 5 minutes we got up and walked to them.

"Did it hurt?" Enrico asked.

"Did what hurt?" She asked.

"When you fell from heaven, cause you look like an angel." He smirked at her.

"Nah, it didn't cause I crawled out if hell. I'm a devil in disguise." She smirked at all of us. All of us looked shocked and just stood there and stared at her then at the other guy then at her again.

"Here you go. Enjoy." The waiter guy smiled and gave them their orders. They thanked him and took it.

"You're staring." She chuckled.

"S-sorry. Mind if we sit?" I asked both of them.

"Not at all." The girl replied and smiled at the guy. He nodded and smiled back.

"I'm Jasmine and this is Jordon." She introduces after swallowing her bite.

"I'm Morgan and this is Jake, Enrico, Chris and Damon." I introduced.

"Nice to meet you." Jasmine smiled.

"You too." We smiled.

"Wait Jasmine Mikaelson?'' Jake asks.

''Yeah, why?'' She answered.

''We met at that one party, you were with Natasha Renolds.'' I said with a smile.

''I knew your names sounded familiar.'' Jasmine smiled.

''Damn girl. You look hotter then before.'' Enrico smirked.

''I always look hot.'' Jasmine smirked.

''So why are you guys dressed like that? It isn't really date or take out outfits.'' Chris asked.

''We had a party but it ended an hour ago.'' Jordon explained.

''Where is the rest of you?'' Damon asked.

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