Chapter 47

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Hunter's POV

After practice we heard bikes but didn't think much of it. Quickly showering and getting dressed. Me, Ashton, Logan and Justin walked out. Seeing the whole gang here and 4 new guys around Jasmine laughing. I have never seen them before but they don't look American. I wonder where's Carter and Alexander?

''Hey guys.'' I greeted everyone. Even the 4 new guys.

''Hey Hunt.'' Jasmine smiled at me. But that wasn't what caught my attention it was the colour of her eyes. It was darker then ever and you could tell she wanted to explode.

''That explains it.'' I mumbled.

''Explaines what?'' She asked.

''Why Carter and Alexander isn't here. Which one was it?'' I asked knowing she knows what I meant.

''Alexander.'' She gritted. One of the new guys placed a hand on her shoulder and she blew out a breath.

''Anyway. Hunter, Ashton, Logan and Justin this is Chase, Aiden, Jay and Kai from England.'' Jasmine introduced us.

''Ah so you're the younger Black. Nice to meet you we're the silver's.'' This Chase guy shaked my hand and the rest.

''Why are you here?'' Logan asked looking at Jasmine.

''Well we came to pick you up. But things got complicated and heated before we left.'' Mason explained showing his left cheek.

That's when I noticed all the new guys got shiners along with Mason and Zack.

Jasmine saw my face and started explaining about what happened and even the fight between her and Alexander. She was controlling her anger about that last part.

We all left the school and drove to Jasmine's house when we got there Carter's and Alexander's bikes stood outside. Jasmine took deep breaths in and out. We heard screaming and Jasmine smirked. Walking in to the house and the kitchen Riley, Natasha and Rebekah stood there with deadly glares at Alexander and Carter. More Alexander then Carter.

''Hi girls.'' Jasmine smirked. All 3 of them turned around and smirked at Jasmine then their eyes landed on the silver's.

''Natasha, Riley and Rebekah this is Chase, Aiden, Jay and Kai.'' Jasmine introdused.

''Hey we met at that one party before Jasmine visited you in our first year, right?'' Natasha asked/said.

''Yeah. Natasha right?'' Aiden asked.

''Yeah. It's good to see you guys again.'' Natasha smiled at them.

''And it's nice to meet you.'' Riley and Rebekah smiled at them shaking their hands. Chase and them smiled back.

''We'll be back.'' Natasha smiled and dragged Jasmine out of the kitchen.

''So what happened?'' We asked looking at Alexander.

''It's just that we had a fight the night Matthew threatened me and I decided to leave. Jasmine was hurt and yes I did have a choice but I chose the easiest way out and that was leaving. And lately I've been more with Carter and you then with her and I basically neglected her-'' Alexander began but a snort stopped him.

''First part is true. The second part about you neglected me, yeah right. You don't understand Green. You made me your last choice again. I could give a crap if you neglected me but acting all jealous and overprotective after you made me your last choice. That's why I'm pissed. Also everytime I feel happy or anything you come in and start a fight or something like that.'' Jasmine explained with a sigh.

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