Chapter 50

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Jasmine's POV

Alot has changed in these 5 years. I'm currently dating Hunter for 5 years while Riley and Cody is dating. Rebekah and Max, Natasha and Jake is also still dating. All the couples from the party is still dating.

Hunter finally got his old self back and I have to say I have never been happier to see him then ever before. His tattoo body is so hot.

The Black Demons, Shadows and Silver's joined my gang The Anarchy. We are the biggest and best gang in the whole world. As for me I'm still the boss of St. Mary's and Riley has been working for me as a physical therapist with Cody of course for 4 years now.

"What you thinking about babe?" Hunter asked when he walked into my kitchen. He practically moved in the first 6 months we dated.

"Just thinking about everything that happened these last 5 years." I smiled up at him. He leaned down and placed a kiss on my lips then moved to the fridge.

"It has been one hell of a ride but I'm glad we have been riding it together." He smirked winking at me.

"You're such a flirt." I chuckled at him.

"But you're my flirt." I smirked back at him.

"So babe how about a dubble date tonight me, you, Riley and Cody?" He asked.

"Sounds like fun." I smiled at him.

"Be done in an hour." He smiled and kissed my cheek then left.

"Can you feel the love, tonight?" Alexander and Cole sang when they walked in.

"Oh bite me." I chuckled and walked to my room where Riley were already waiting for me.

"What are you wearing?" She asked when she saw me. She had a glint in her eyes. Did I forget to mention that she and Cody got engaged last year. Yeah they did and is planning a spring wedding.

"I don't know yet. Why?" I asked confused.

"No reason. See you later date buddy." She smirked at me and left. I shaked my head and went to take a shower.

After showering I walked into my closet and grabbed some black undergarments with a black long sleeve tight crop top and a black and white skater skirt with black stockings and black ankle high heeled boots. Doing a smokey eye with light pink lips and leaving my hair in its natural waves. I add a long necklace with some perfume Hunter got me for valentines day. It is a little chilly outside so I grabbed my leather jacket topping off my look.

Just then my door opened and Riley walked in with the same make up and her hair the same as mine. She also cut it the same length about 3 years ago. She's wearing a light pink long sleeve crop sweater shirt with a black skater skirt. She also had on black stockings with brown ankle boots and a brownish scarf with her leather jacket over.

"Bestie goals." We chuckled at each other. We grew closer by the year and we're like sisters. Not by blood but by heart.

"Let's go date buddy." I smirked. We walked out and down the stairs. There stood Hunter and Cody both dressed in black jeans. Hunter had on a black and white flannel while Cody had on a black flannel. Both their sleeves was rolled up to their elbows. They both looked good.

"Matching are we?" I asked with a smirk looking at them.

"You're one to talk babe." Hunter smirked looked me up and down then at Riley.

We both chuckled and followed them out. Riley and Cody took Cody's Nissan GTR . While me and Hunter took his new electronic Nissan. He was proud of his 2nd baby. I was his first obviously.

We drove to this fancy restaurant and parked the car. Climbing out we walked in hand in hand and Hunter asked for the Black's table. The waitress led us out to the back where there were a table with 4 seats. Fairy lights were hanging around the table and the whole gang stood there with a flower each. When I looked around I didn't see Hunter until he cleared his throat.

Looking down he was on his one knee and was smiling up at me. He pulled a little box out of his jacket and opened it revealing a beautiful diamond ring.

"The first time I said I loved you was on a date you planned with fairy lights and everything. I tried to remake that date for another special moment. The time I gave you a promise ring you were out with Riley and Cody. Also kinda planned to remake that." He started with a small chuckle.

"It doesn't matter where we are or who we are with as long as we're together. You're my smile when I wake up in the morning and before I go to sleep cause I know you're next to me. You've made my life so much better and I didn't even know it until that night of the celebration party. So Jasmine Rose Mikaelson will you make me the happiest man alive and become my wife?" He asked with a smile.

"Of course I will." I smiled through tears. He let out a relieved sigh and slid the ring onto my ring finger.

Standing up I kissed him and he responded immediately while picking me up and spinning me around. When he sat me down there were alot of cheers and whistles around us.

"I love you Hunter Caleb Black." I smiled at him.

"I love you too Jasmine Rose Mikaelson." He smiled down at me.

The rest of the night we ate and just had the time of our lives.

When I first met them I never thought I would end up here. But as the time went on I can proudly say I'm glad Matthew sold me. I'm glad to say this is me. With my new and improved family.

The End!


Thank you so much for reading this book. It has been one hell of a ride. I hoped you liked it.


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