Chapter 43

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Hunter's POV

Finally getting a spot and setting everything up all the guys took of their shirts and I saw alot of girls stare at us while walking by or from where they were sitting.

''If they don't stop staring or glaring I'm gonna rip their eyes out.'' Natasha whispered to the girls. All of them laughed. I only heard cause I were busy getting water out.

''Let's give them something to glare about.'' Jasmine and Riley replied with a smirk.

Riley, Natasha and Rebekah began taking off their shorts and croptops.

Rebekah was wearing a red and white polka dot bikini. Natasha was in a hot pink bikini. Riley had on a black bikini with small strings over her stomach. I waited for Jasmine but when she started Bella ran towards her.

''Rose will you help me take off my dress, please?'' Bella asked in a cute voice.

''Off course babygirl.'' Jasmine smiled. She bended and took off her sundress. Bella had on a cute purple and pink bikini. Jason's eyes grew wide and he looked shocked at Bella then at Jasmine.

''She looks so cute.'' Natasha gushed beside Jasmine.

''My babygirl is growing up.'' Jason mumbled beside me. Jasmine smiled and winked at Jason. He chuckled at her and shaked his head.

Jasmine finally took off her clothes and again our breaths hitched. She was wearing the purple bikini again. When I looked around I saw all the guys even guys that was walking past stare at Jasmine with wide eyes and jaws dropped. She looked so hot and flawless.

''Slay.'' Riley whispered to Natasha and Rebekah. All of them chuckled and agreed.

I saw other girls glare at Jasmine but she didn't notice. She was to busy walking with the girls and us following her to a surf shop.

When we walked in the guy looked up and I immediately recognized him as a guy that plays soccer with me. Justin I think.

''Hi how can I-wow.'' He started but stopped when he saw Jasmine standing there. She smiled at him and he smiled back.

''Justin right?'' Jasmine asked.

''Y-yeah.'' He stuttered a little. I saw all the girls trying to hide their laughs and most of the guys glared at him I was one of them.

''How have you been?'' Jasmine asked.

''Really great since 5 seconds ago.'' He smirked at Jasmine. Jasmine winked at him with a smirk.

''Awesome. Anyway can we get some surfboards please?'' She asked looking behind Justin. He looked at her surprised.

''Sure. Is it for Hunter and them?'' He asked looking at me. I shook my head and his eyes widen.

''You can surf?'' He asked looking at the girls shocked.

''Correction. She can surf.'' Natasha said pointing at Jasmine. Even my eyes went wide.

''You can surf?'' He asked again looking at Jasmine.

''More then just waves.'' She smirked at him.

''Damn.'' Was all he said. We all let out low whistles.

Jasmine got a board and so did a few of us. And by few I mean every guy. Walking back to our place someone was laying on a towel with his phone. Definitely not a girl.

''Yo Logan what's up?'' Jasmine called. Logan instantly sat up and his eyes also grew wide when he saw Jasmine in her bikini with a surf board.

''Definitely not my jaw.'' He replied. Jasmine smiled and walked towards the ocean.

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