Chapter 5

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Jasmine's POV

I woke up with my alarm on my phone going off. Groaning I climb out of bed and walk into my bathroom. Quickly showering and doing my business I walk out to see all the girls in my room.

"Morning." They chirp.

"Morning." I smiled.

"Here Luke made you coffee. See you downstairs in a few." Rebekah smiled and handed me a cup of coffee and all of them left.

I walk into my closet and grab a black button up dress that shows of my curves but not to much, it reaches about a little over mid thigh. I'm a little nervous to start today. Sure I know what I'm doing but still it's my first day and I have to be nervous, right?

Grabbing nude zip up heels I walk to my make up table and start doing a light smokey eye with light pink lipstick. I spray some perfume and grab my white doctors coat hanging in my closet. I leave my shoulder length hair in it's natural waves. When I look at my phone it's already 8:35 am I have to be there at 9.

Putting on my doctors coat I grab my purse and my shoes. Putting them on while running down the stairs and running around everybody in the house also trying not to fall. Finally I have my last shoe on just as I walk into the kitchen. Seeing almost everyone there.

"Morning." They greeted.

"Morning." I say in a rush voice.

I put a slice of bread in the toaster and grab my purple coffee mug that can close. I put coffee in there and grab my toast buttering it and plop it in my mouth. I bend down to zip up my shoes and when I stood up straight again everyone is looking at me with smiles.

"What?" I ask after I swallow my bite.

"You look so professional and beautiful." Emily smiled.

"Thanks." I smile back.

"Did you get your shoes on?" Max asked amused when he walked in.

"Yes and I didn't even fall." I laughed.

"We have a surprise for you." Carter smiled and handed me a box. When I open it I see a brand new stethoscope.

"Wow thanks." I smiled looking up at them.

"Here let me." Hunter smiled and took it and put in around my neck.

"Now you look professional." He smiled down at me.

"Thank you." I smiled. Just then I look at the clock behind him and it says 8:45.

"Oh god I have to go." I said in a rush grabbing my coffee, purse and car keys.

"Bye guys and girls." I smile and started speed walking towards my car.

"Wait Jasmine." Carter and Luke yelled from behind me.

"Yes." I stop and turn around only for both of them to run into me. I almost fell over but both of them grabbed me and steadied me.

"Nice save." I laughed with them.

"Thanks." They both laughed and released me.

"Here take this if you want to buy food or anything." Carter said handing me money.

"No thanks I have money Carter. I can buy myself food or anything." I smile pushing his hand away.

"But I-. Fine." He sighed and took it back.

"Also relax Jasmine. You will do great. See you tonight." Luke smiled and squeezed my shoulders.

"Thanks guys. See you." I smiled and climbed in my car. I waved at them and started driving towards St. Mary's where I will be working.

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