Chapter 27

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Jasmine's POV

It's been a few days since the carnival. After the carnival we just went home and chilled. Today is Wednesday and the last day of my shift. I already got everything for Friday and I'm more then excited. Hunter and Ashton said the whole school is also excited about Friday. They know there will be someone speaking but they don't know who.

I'm already at the Hospital. I got a call this morning at like 5 am. And I just got out of the surgery, everything went good. Her stomach almost exploded cause she used to much drugs and she's only 20.

''Wilson family?'' I asked when I walked to the waiting room. And olderly couple along with a couple of her friends stood up.

''How is she?'' Her mother I think asked scared.

''She's going to be fine but do you know what happened?'' I asked her. She shook her head but her friends knew cause they looked down guilty.

''It's not my story to tell. If you want to see her follow me.'' I said with a small smile. They nodded and followed me. We walked to her room and when we walked in she was just waking up.

''Hi I'm Dr. Mikaelson. How are you feeling Tessa?'' I asked handing her a glass of water.

''F-fine.'' She said and looking down.

''Excuse me but can I please speak to Tessa alone?'' I asked her parents and friends. They nodded and walked out.

''Dr. Mikaelson I-I y-you didn't.-'' She began nervously but I cut her off.

''No I didn't it's not my story to tell but Tessa you need help for your addiction and I can help you just say the word.'' I said with a soft soothing voice.

''Thanks Dr. Mikaelson. And I know I need it. Can I think about it while telling my parents, please?'' She asked nervously.

''Of course.'' I smiled. I walked out and told them that she wanted to speak to them, her friends nodded and followed behind them silently. I watch her begin speaking and their reactions.

''What happened?'' Nathan asked beside me with Dean and Seth's gang.

''Her stomach almost exploded cause she used to much drugs.'' I said not looking at them.

''How old is she?'' Dean asked.

''Only 20. But I'm gonna help her get better.'' I said with a determined smile.

''You can't help someone who doesn't want help.'' Nathan said looking at me.

''Trust me she wants help.'' I said just when one of her friends came out and called me. This time Nathan followed me.

''Dr. Mikaelson Tessa told us and she also said you will help her, can you?'' Her father asked with a hopeful look.

''I know a place where she can go and get help. It's not a rehab and it isn't for the public also you can do it at your own house with the people you love, there will be someone to help you. Like a private addiction helper.'' I explained.

''How much will it cost?'' Her mother asked nervously.

''Nothing. It's all on me.'' I smiled.

''It isn't necessary.'' Her mother said.

''Please? It will be my pleasure to help her who still has a bright future ahead of her.'' I said with a smile. They nodded with smiles.

''Thank you so much. We owe you everything.'' Her father said.

''No you don't. Just help her if she needs you.'' I smiled at them. They nodded and I gave them all the information.

''How do you know of that people?'' Nathan asked when we walked out.

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