Chapter 41

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Brody's POV

I wasn't lying when I said that I feel better with a hottie by my side. Jasmine can make anyone feel better. She looks hot AF and even Alexander couldn't stop looking at her.

We stopped at club Hype. Who names these clubs cause they really need new inspiration. Quickly hopping out I go over to Jasmine's side and open the door for her she smirked but quickly changed that into a girly giddy smile.

''Thank you babe.'' She smiled at me. I smirked at her and winked.

''No problem sweetheart.'' I smirked. She rolled her eyes but quickly giggled back.

''God I hate this girly crap.'' She mumbled as we walk away from the car hand in hand.

''Clearly.'' I chuckled. She glared at me but quickly covers it up as Sheriff Tom say something in the ear pieces.

My eyes dart over the crowd and the line. From girls face to what they are wearing. Jasmine looks at me but quickly diverted her eyes keeping the plan in check.

We stopped as a bodyguard stopped us. Natasha and Carter is infront of us and I just want to rip Carter's arm off of Natasha but then Jasmine's words ring in my ear and I relax. Natasha tries to flirt her way in but no offence my sister can't do it. Sure she's sexy and all but she can't get the flirty and sexy voice thing right. The bodyguard raised an eyebrow and Jasmine lets go of my hand.

''Excuse me, Darren right?'' Jasmine asked pushing Natasha a little back. The bodyguard nodded and looks Jasmine up and down.

''Name?'' He asked.

''You don't need our names, sugar.'' Jasmine said in a sexy voice putting money in his pocket.

''I'm sure you'll let us in, right Darren.'' Jasmine said in a sexy voice letting his name roll of her lips and biting her lips while running a finger up and down his chest.

''D-definitely n-not.'' He stuttered under Jasmine's gaze.

''Thank you Darren.'' Jasmine smiled in a sexy voice and drop her hand. He open the door for us and Jasmine winked at him. We all walk in and my arm founds it way around her waist softly careful not to hurt her.

''That was hot.'' Hunter spoke over the ear piece.

''Anyway.'' Sheriff J clears his throat.

''The man at the last booth watching everyone that's the drug lord.'' He explained.

''Copy that.'' Jasmine said.

I let my eyes wondered around on girls and getting the plan ready. I see Jasmine eye me then frown. The drug lord notice us and Jasmine takes a seat and the bartender that so happen to be Alexander turns around. He spot Jasmine and walked to her.

''Hi Cutie. What Can I get you?'' He asked. Jasmine giggles and look up at him.

''Another bartender.'' I fake gritted out. Jasmine turned towards me with a shocked face.

''Easy babe he was just doing his job.'' She said in a soft voice.

''Flirting with you isn't his job.'' I fake glared at him.

''B-baby p-please?'' Jasmine pleaded loud enough for the guy to hear.

''Easy mate your drawing attention.'' Carter said behind me.

''Who cares. If she's cheating on me with this bartender.'' I gritted out.

''I'm not the one cheating you ass. You are eye raping every girl in here.'' Jasmine said with tears in her eyes.

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