Chapter 33

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Hunter's POV

''What do you mean she's gone?'' I asked when Carter read the note again.

''She came early this morning and packed her stuff.'' Carter explained. We were sitting around the table eating the breakfast Jasmine made this morning.

''Fuck.'' I mumbled.

''Let's go over to her house.'' Luke suggested.

''Wait hold up.'' Cole said looking up from his phone.

''Why?'' We all asked.

''She put out an invite to a pool party she's throwing in like 4 hours. She's calling it a new old house pool party.'' Cole explained showing Jasmine's profile.

''Then we have to go.'' Riley smirked. Just then her phone ringed and her smirked widened.

''Hello?'' She answered.

''Yeah... Uh huh... Sure... We'll be there in a few... No problem... See you.'' She said and cut the line.

''Come one girls she needs us.'' Riley said and stood up.

''Who?'' We all asked.

''Jasmine.'' All of them answered and walked away.

''What the fuck did you do?'' An angry Nathan, Jason, Ethan, Jake, Connor and 3 new guys walked in. Nathan looked completely pissed and Jason looked pissed but calm.

''What do you mean?'' Carter asked.

''Jasmine moved out. What did you do Carter?'' Jason asked this time but in a slow voice.

''It was a misunderstanding. I though she slept with Hunter and Cole the night of the carnival.'' Carter sighed.

''Fucking stupid.'' I mumbled. Cole nudged me and nodded telling me he agrees.

''And you couldn't ask her?'' Nathan asked.

''I was angry and hurt kindoff.'' Carter sighed.

''Hurt? Really? Dude how many fucking times have you slept with a girl while Jasmine was here or even when she left for work. Don't you think it hurts her everytime she sees or hears this?'' I said standing up and catching everyone of guard even Carter.

''How about last night when she had to save the girl and her baby's life that you just fucked? Didn't you see how much you hurt her?'' I screamed standing in his face. He looked down ashamed and I saw one of the new guys look confuse then he looked pissed.

''You were the one that slept with my sister last night?'' He asked standing next to me.

''You're Carol's brother?'' Carter asked confused. He nodded and started pacing.

''Last night Carol told me and I went to Jasmine and she confirmed it and said it wasn't your fault and I believe her but how the fuck could you hurt Jasmine like that?'' He asked standing next to me with his fists clenched.

''Wyatt! That's enough. Go take a walk.'' Jason ordered.

''No he hurt Jas-''

''Now Wyatt!'' Someone said cutting Wyatt off from the kitchen door. There stood Jasmine in all her glory with floral jean shorts and a white crop top saying 'killin it' with low cut converse.

''Jasmine?'' We all asked.

''Hi boys.'' She smiled and looked at Wyatt with a raised eyebrow.

''Go.'' She pointed towards the door. He sighed and mumbled stuff and walked towards the door.

''Wow. What a show.'' Jasmine smirked and walked in. She looked tired but still hot.

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