Chapter 18

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Nathan's POV

I saw Jasmine's little show and when I got in the cafeteria I smiled at her and went to another table with the other guys. I saw her talking to Seth, John and Gary and 3 other guys. Soon enough they were at my table. I learned the other 3 was Jared, Kevin and Adrian one of the patients friends. Next thing we know Jasmine along with Riley, Rebekah, Emily, Brooke and Olivia came walking over. All of them had this confident aura but Jasmine's stood out.

''Hi boys.'' Jasmine greeted with a smiled.

''Hi Jasmine.'' We all greeted.

''Wait? The Jasmine like Dr. Mikaelson?'' Tony one of the male nurses asked.

''The one and only.'' Jasmine smiled.

''It's an honour to meet you.'' Tony said and kissed the top of Jasmine's hand.

''Charming.'' Jasmine smiled.

''What can we do for you girls?'' Dean asked.

''Well you see Dean we're holding this get together and we need more company. Anyone interested?'' Jasmine smirked in a sexy voice.

''Of course.'' Everyone replied.

''What do you need?'' Tony asked.

''You tell me.'' Jasmine said still with that sexy voice and a smirk.

''I-I u-uh.'' Tony stuttered.

''Here you go. It's all of our numbers. Just give us a call when and where.'' Seth smirked.

''Thanks.'' Jasmine smiled.

''Anything for you.'' John winked at Jasmine.

Jasmine winked back at walked away swaying her hips more with a smirk on her face, leaving us all frozen.

''What just hapened?'' Adrian asked.

''I think she just showed the girls how to be sexy.'' Gary said.

''Wait what?'' Dean asked.

''They asked Jasmine to help them look and act more sexy also more scary.'' Seth explained.

''And she showed them how to get a guys number by just a normal conversation.'' Jared finished.

''Damn she's good.'' We all sighed out.

We stayed in the cafeteria and we saw all the girls leave. Jasmine got another cup of coffee and walked out with her eyes glued to a folder infront of her. Just when she looked up a nurse came and and purposely slapped her coffee out of her hands. I saw Jasmine take in a deep breath and when she opened her eyes the nurse stood there smirking but it looked like she was having a attack or something painful. Jasmine's eyes darkened and she clenched her fist.

''Oh did I do that. I'm so not sorry.'' The nurse said.

''Can I help you cupcake?'' Jasmine asked in a sweet voice.

''No but you can go away. That will help me alot.'' The nurse said in a high pitched voice.

''Or what?'' Jasmine challenged taking a step forward.

''Or I'll make your life a living hell.'' The nurse stood her ground but you could see the fear in her eyes.

''Cupcake I rule hell. Your threats doesn't work on me.'' Jasmine smirked. She looks so hot when she smirks.

''Well then I-I I will u-um.'' The nurse stuttered.

''Exactly. Now get the fuck out of my face and if you ever try something like this again I will ruin you, not just you but your annoying little followers too.'' Jasmine threatened in a cold tone with that scary glare.

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