Chapter 25

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Hunter's POV

''Stacey right? Like OMG I don't give a fuck.'' Jasmine said in a high pitched tone and a sweet smile.

I remember Stacey she was one of Carter's bed buddies before we met Jasmine. All of us looked at Jasmine with smirks and a few of us chuckled.

''She'll never change.'' I heard Kyle whisper behind me and the rest of his friends even Ethan chuckled.

''How dare you speak down on me like that?'' Stacey asked flipping her hair.

''Oh cupcake don't get all high and mighty with me. We all know your all bark no bite.'' Jasmine said shaking her head.

''Stacey I'm not into you anymore. I never were, you were just a bed buddy.'' Carter explained shrugging.

''You would pick this slut over me?'' Stacey screamed pointing at Jasmine.

''Oh fuck.'' Jason and Ethan sighed.

''What?'' We asked.

''Just take a few steps back.'' Ethan said and walked towards Jasmine. He took the unicorn and came to stand with us that took a few steps back. There wasn't a croud considering we walked around the back. It's a shortcut Jasmine knows.

''She's not a slut.'' Carter defended immediately. I saw Jasmine's fists clenched and her breathing hard.

''Where's that big mouth of yours know slut?'' Stacey smirked well tried to smirk at Jasmine.

''At least I can do something with my mouth. Let me guess sideways?'' Jasmine said with a smirk.

''You fucking slut!'' Stacey screamed.

She pulled back her right fist and tried to punch Jasmine, key word tried. Jasmine stopped her hand right infront of her face. She held Stacey's fist in her one hand. She squeezed it and I saw Stacey flinch.

''You don't wanna do this Stacey.'' Jasmine said in a low yet daring tone.

''I want to.'' Stacey said and tried lifting her left leg to kick Jasmine. Jasmine caught her left leg with her left hand and twisted it.

I saw her eyes darken like this morning and we all took three steps back even Carter.

''I'm trying really hard not to blow up. So leave before I do.'' Jasmine threatened in a low tone.

Stacey gulped but stood her ground. Jasmine let go of her and Stacey immediately slapped Jasmine across the face but it sounded so soft. Jasmine looked up not even suprised. Jasmine took Stacey by her throat tightly and lifted her up throwing her a meter or 2 away.

Stacey stood up scared but came back again. Jasmine pulled back her right fist and punched Stacey's nose. We heard the crack and all of us flinched. Stacey fell down and in a flash Jasmine was on top of her with a deadly glare.

''The only fucking slut here is you. Go back and get a real fucking job not daddy's little slut.'' Jasmine growled out. I saw her trying really hard not to lose it. Stacey nodded scared.

Jasmine stood up but when she was about to walk Stacey tripped her. Jasmine did a backflip and in the process she kicked Stacey and knocked her out. Jasmine landed low with one leg out and the other one bended. She stayed like that for a while.

''Jasmine?'' Riley asked with a nervous voice.

''Just a sec.'' Jasmine said. We heard her let out deep breaths before she stood up with her eyes closed.

''OMG! What happened?'' One of Stacey's friends asked when she came closer to Stacey. Jasmine turned around and the girl stopped.

''Take her home and fix her up.'' Jasmine said in a low scary voice. The girl nodded and quickly took Stacey and speed walked away. Jasmine turned around with a furious look but that soon softened and she looked calm again.

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