Chapter 12

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Jasmine's POV

Today is Saturday. The big party is tonight and I'm currently still in bed. I snuggle closer to my pillow only to hear it groan. Wait groan. Oh yeah I'm in Carter's room. Snuggling closer then before he groans again.

''Don't do that.'' He mumbles.

''Okay.'' I whispered back. Soon enough we both fell asleep again. Until whispering woke me up.

''Dude you wake them.'' Mason I think whispers.

''Na-ah I choose life.'' Zack, Hunter and Max whisper.

''Would you just wake them up?'' Someone half screamed. That someone is Luke.

''Why the fuck are you shouting?'' Me and Carter asked in sync.

''Great you're up.'' He sighed.

''Yeah we are.'' I sighed.

''Did you enjoy it?'' Luke sneered.

''What?'' Me and Carter ask now fully awake and sitting up.

''Did you enjoy it?'' Luke asked slowly.

''What the fuck are you implying Luke?'' I asked kinda pissed off.

''It's obvious. You guys fucked last night that's why you were all cuddly.'' He shrugged while raising his voice.

''Do I look fucking naked to you Luke. Do I reek of sex? Do I look like a fucking slut to you Luke?'' I ask each question taking a step forward towards him with a cold tone.

''I'm not Melissa or Sarah or fucking Hannah. I came here cause I heard that he couldn't sleep. I would do the same for everyone. Stop acting like my fucking boyfriend cause you're not.'' I spat at him while pushing him up by his collar against the wall.

''J-Jasmine I-I.''

''Save it. Go fuck yourself, wait better yet go fuck Melissa. Oh wait you can't she's dead.'' I screamed and stormed pass all the boys who looked scared at me and into my room slamming the door behind me. Fucking idiot.

Carter's POV

I saw the anger raise with each word and each step she took towards Luke. Until she pushed him up against the wall holding him by his collar. She's 5'5 he's 6'2 how the fuck did she do that.

''You just pissed her off big time Luke.'' Hunter sighed.

''What the fuck man? You can have a one night stand but as soon as she just cuddles with another dude you go all overprotective ape on her.'' Cole sneered.

''Luke you better go apologize.'' I sighed and stood up shaking my head at him.

''I-I w-what b-but u-umm.'' He stuttered out not making any sense.

''Breathe dude.'' Jordon chuckled.

''H-how?'' He asked shocked.

''How what?'' We ask.

''How should I apologize?'' He asked.

''Get a tub of oreo ice cream with nutella pancakes and bacon and go to her room with a huge apology.'' Ethan said.
Wait Ethan? How did he get here?

''Ethan when did you get here?'' I asked confused voicing my thoughts.

''The girls let me in and I've seen this whole show. Now Luke go.'' Ethan explained. Luke nodded and ran downstairs. After about 10 minutes he came up with oreo ice cream, nutella pancakes and bacon. We all stood behind him behind Jasmine's door. He knocked and Jasmine opened it.

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