Chapter 46

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Jasmine's POV

Today is Thursday. The day before the party. I'm not nervous but more excited. This last few days I was busy planning everything so I was sorta on my own. A few times the girls helped me and even the guys but they haven't seen anything.

Calvin them and their dates came Monday and said they were sorry. I forgave them but we all know they chose hoes before bro's. But that's their problem. Andrew has been a lot of help. With Calvin and them busy pleasing their sluts he helped me alot.

Alexander joined Carter's gang and they became like bff's. I kinda feel left out but I figured that would happen after I moved out. Riley is studying her final year and has been going to university 3 days a week and helping out at the hospital for 2 days. Natasha is still the hospitals dietitian and Rebekah is kinda my and Natasha's PA. Riley has to do 3 months of working with our physical therapist Cody. He is 25 and I have to say easy on the eyes so obviously Riley didn't say no to that.

Ryder almost had a heart attack when they went out last night for drinks. I off course talked him down so he wouldn't rip out Cody's throat then Riley's. I think it's kinda sweet the overprotective thing but then there is too much overprotective. Riley and Cody is going to go together cause Shawn pissed Riley off and got himself someone else. I was calm but everyone else were on their cases until I stepped in and fixed the problem.

''What are you thinking about?'' Andrew asked when he walked in.

''Just everything that happened this past week.'' I explained. We were sitting in the gym and were planning the last things. Like seats and stuff.

''Who is the charterer?'' He asked sitting down with a plate of muffins.

''This guy I went to uni with David. He's amazing. And super excited to hear from me.'' I smiled grabbing a muffin.

''You're doing great Jas. This is going to be the best party they ever heard off.'' He smiled at me.

''Thanks Andrew.''' I smiled back.

''Oh remember that it starts at 7 but the limo's will be here at 6:30 tomorrow night.'' I said.

''Sure. But aren't you going with us?'' He asked.

''No I'll be there tomorrow a few hours to make sure everything is going smooth then I'll come back and get dressed and everyhting then I'll go in one of my cars.'' I explained. He nodded and took a bite of his muffin.

''Where is everyone?'' He asked me.

''Most is at Carter's. Natasha, Rebekah and Riley will be here in half an hour from work. And yeah.'' I explained.

''Want to go get Hunter and Ashton from school?'' Cole asked walking in with a smile.

''Sure.'' Me and Andrew smiled.

Quickly running up to my room I change out of my sweats and tank top. Grabbing blue skinny jeans with a crop long sleeve sweater considering it's a little cold today and brown ankle high heeled boots. Walking down I put my phone in my back pocket of my jeans when I reached the kitchen there was alot of talking. Looking up I see Carter and them.

''Hey.'' I smiled at them.

''Hi Jas.'' They smiled back. Alexander looked down and I walked immediately towards him.

Lifting his head after he tried to keep it down I see a black eye starting. My blood begins to boil and he sensed it. He took a step back looking guilty and scared.

''What did you do?'' I asked my anger clear in my voice. Just like that everyone turned quiet and looked at me wide eyes.

''I-I ran into the k-kitchen t-table.'' He stuttered out avoiding my eyes. He always do that when he is lying to me. He can lie good but to me.

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