Chapter 13

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Jordon's POV

"Easy love, let's go for a ride. Shall we?'' I asked and put a hand on Jasmine's shoulders. She nodded and let go of Ethan making him fall on the ground.

"Bike or car?" She asked.

"You choose." I stated. We walked towards the garage and she looked at her car then to me.

"Wanna take my car?" She asked.

"Sure." I smiled and we climbed in. She still had on her party dress, and boy did she look hot.

"You're staring." She chuckled giving me a side glance.

''It's hard not to. You look amazingly hot tonight." I smirked at her.

"Thanks. You also look hot." She smirked and winked at me. We drove until we reached a McDonald's and she stopped.

"I'm craving a cheese burger." She shrugged.

''That makes 2 of us.'' I chuckled following her.

We walked in and everyone stared. There were a table with 5 guys, a old couple and the workers.

''Hi, how can I help?'' A guy with black hair in a uniform asks looking at Jasmine.

''Hi can I please have 2 double cheese cheeseburgers with a chocolate milkshake and fries.'' Jasmine ordered.

''What are you gonna have?'' She asks looking at me. Just then the guy behind the counter looked at me confused.

''I'll take the same only with a strawberry milkshake, please.'' I said. The guy nodded and Jasmine handed him the money. I was about to reach for my wallet.

''Leave it. It's on me.'' Jasmine smiled and we walked towards a table. The 5 guys was still staring at Jasmine when we took a booth.

''I'm sorry for everything at the house.'' She sighed looking down.

''Don't worry, I understand why you did it. I would've been pissed to.'' I explained with a small smile.

"Yeah." She chuckles.

"Did it hurt?" One of the 5 guys asked looking at Jasmine.

"Did what hurt?" She asked.

"When you fell from heaven, cause you look like an angel." The same guy smirked.

"Nah, it didn't cause I crawled out if hell. I'm a devil in disguise." Jasmine smirked back at them. All of them looked shocked and just stood there and stared at her then me then at her again.

"Here you go. Enjoy." The waiter guy smiled and gave us our orders. We thanked him and took it.

"You're staring." Jasmine chuckled.

"S-sorry. Mind if we sit?" One guy asked both of us.

"Not at all." Jasmine replied and smiled at me. I nodded and smiled back.

"I'm Jasmine and this is Jordon." She introduces after swallowing her bite.

"I'm Morgan and this is Jake, Enrico, Chris and Damon." Morgan introduced.

"Nice to meet you." Jasmine smiled.

"You too." They smiled.

"Wait Jasmine Mikaelson?'' Jake asks.

''Yeah, why?'' She answered.

''We met at that one party, you were with Natasha Renolds.'' Morgan said with a smile.

''I knew your names sounded familiar.'' Jasmine smiled.

''Damn girl. You look hotter then before.'' Enrico smirked.

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