Chapter 26

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Jasmine's POV

''Alright so who's the captain?'' Cole asked while we walked to the field. I stayed quiet and everyone looked at me expectantly.

''Wait? Me?'' I asked.

''Yeah.'' Everyone answered.

''But Hunter is his team captain at school.'' I pointed out.

''But we want you.'' Hunter said with a smile.

''Okay sure.'' I smiled.

''Great. I'll go inform that guy at the sign ups.'' Ethan said with a smirk and ran away.

''Let's get started.'' I said. Then it hit me. My bellyring they can see it and I can't play with it.

''Wait hold on.'' I said and walked off towards Rebekah.

''Please hold this for me?'' I asked and lifted my shirt. I took it out and handed it to Rebekah she looked at me stunned.

''What?'' I asked confused.

''This is beautiful.'' She said looking down at it. It is a purple rhinestone with dots of blue in it.

''Thanks. It shows my emotions or something like that.'' I smiled and walked back to the rest.

We started to warm up and about 10 minutes before it starts everyone sat down except me. I watched the other teams and I saw a few familiar faces but I couldn't pinpoint them. Hunter came and stood next to me.

''Here is alot of other teams here that I played before also a few of my team members but they're not playing.'' Hunter said looking at my movements. I saw this team the Jaguars and I can already tell they win this sort of thing everytime.

''What are you doing?'' Luke asked beside me.

''She's calculating the moves, the winners, the losers and watching them.'' Calvin said behind me.

''Why?'' Zack asked.

''You'll see.'' JJ said and I know he's smirking.

''Teams make your way to the middle of the field. Captains please stand infront.'' A voice said over the speaker.

''Let's go.'' I said and handed everyone their vests with their numbers. We made it there and I felt alot of eyes on me.

''Well well well if it isn't Jasmine Mikaelson.'' A familiar voice said beside me.

''Samantha Jones. Always a pleasure.'' I said with a sweet smile.

''It's been ages little Jas. You ready just like old times?'' She asked with a smile.

''You know it little Sam. May the best team win.'' I smiled at her shaking her hand with a light squeeze to make her remember her place.

''Trust me we will.'' She said with a light winced at my squeeze. I smirked and let go of her hand.

''What was that about?'' I heard Cole whispered to someone.

''Samantha used to be Ridell's soccer captain until Jasmine came here and she became the new captain in her first year here. Samantha moved school's and became their captain. She's good but Jasmine is the best. They alwas had this frienemy thing.'' Ethan explained.

''Also in Yale she played against me for captaincy and I won, she moved universities and we played each other again. And of course my team won.'' I explained and stepped forward. I saw Samantha do the same. We smirked at each other and looked forward.

''Ladies and Gentleman, parents, kids, players and everyone. Welcome to this year's beach soccer tournament. We have a few new teams but with old faces.'' The announcer said looking at me. I smiled back and nodded. His name is Charles and he's been an announcer at everyone of my games.

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