Chapter 39

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Riley's POV

We stopped at the hospital and the rest left. Leaving just me and Jasmine. We climbed off of our bikes. Jasmine slower then usual with her wounds. We walked in just when Gabe came in with a guy looking in his early 50's. He looked like an older version of Gabe. Gabe saw us and walked to us helping the old man, probably his father walk.

''Dr. Mikaelson?'' Alex asked beside us. I saw Gabe look confuse but then it clicked and he looked at his dad.

''Alex get this man to an E.R room now please?'' Jasmine asked. Alex nodded and helped Gabe's dad onto a bed. Gabe looked at Jasmine with a small smile.

''So you're a doctor.'' He said more to himself.

''Not just any doctor but the youngest, best and boss of this hospital.'' Seth said walking closer. Gabe's eyes went wide then he looked at Jasmine in awe.

''Come on Gabe. Let's go fix your dad.'' Jasmine smiled and walked away. Me, Gabe and Seth followed her.

She walked into a room where Gabe's dad was sitting on a bed. Jasmine smiled at him and he smiled back.

''Hi I'm Dr. Mikaelson and I'll be your doctor.'' Jasmine smiled.

''Gabe told me. I'm Gabriel, Gabe's father.'' He smiled at us. Jasmine nodded and walked closer to him.

''Now Gabriel explain how you feel and when did this start.'' Jasmine said.

''It started about 6 weeks ago and it hurts to breath also it's hard to breath. I have been coughing blood for about 3 weeks now.'' Gabriel explained. Jasmine nodded and looked at him. She took a stethoscope and asked Gabriel to lay down. She held it on his heart then moved to his lungs. She frowned then looked at Alex.

''Alex take him to the OR for an emergency operation. He has water on his lungs also one of his lungs is punchered.'' Jasmine explained.

Gabriel looked scared but Jasmine put an hand on his shoulder with a smile.

''Everything is going to be fine. It's a small operation and won't take long. It's not completely a life or death situation but you can be glad it's only the beginning.'' Jasmine smiled. Gabriel nodded and layed back down. Gabe hugged him and Gabriel were gone.

Jasmine took the paper work and started it then handed it to me so I can give it to the front desk. Jasmine showed Gabe to the waiting room and we walked to the OR. After an hour or two the operation were done and Gabriel was in ICU.

Jasmine and I left after she checked everything to make sure he and Gabe is all good. We climbed on our bikes and I followed Jasmine. We stopped outside a salon and I looked at her with an eyebrow raised.

''I need to cut my dead points also I need a change.'' She shrugged.

''Sure. I can do with a little cut and maybe dyeing my roots again.'' I shrugged.

We walked in and Jasmine greeted everyone. She really knows everyone here. We sat and they began everything. In the end I only cut the dead ends along with Jasmine and they dyed my roots a dark brown almost black again along with the rest of my head. Jasmine went a different. She dyed her hair blonde with the roots a little darker. I have to say she looked hot.

"How do I look?" She asked when she turned.

"Super hot." All of the girls even me in the salon answered. Jasmine smiled and looked in the mirror.

We payed well more like argued on who is paying then we went half-half. We drove to McDonald's and when we got there we ordered, got our food and took a seat.

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