Chapter 8

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Nathan's POV

"Listen guys this is my work place and people won't stop drooling over you so please. Also Carter we're not a couple nor fwb so you can do who and whatever you want, you don't have to explain. Now if you will excuse me I have rounds to do." Jasmine sighed and walked away.

"Damn." Dean commented when he came and sat next to me.

"Yeah." All of us breathed out. She looks so tired yet beautiful. And I think she's not just physically but emotionally tired too.

"What did you do?" Luke I think gritted out at Carter.

"I-I, she saw Hannah last night, before she left." Carter sighed.

"Hannah? Seriously the slut Hannah?" Luke whisper yelled irritated.

"She was just a one night stand to get my mind off of-you know." Carter explained sheepishly.

"Off of Jasmine, right?" I asked. He just nodded looking away.

"Great way off fucking showing it Carter." Luke spatted and got up walking away. I shook my head and got up walking towards Jasmine who is drinking coffee again.

"Jasmine you still haven't had any sleep yet?" Dr. Hale asked looking at her worried.

"No, I had to come in cause they needed me, again." Jasmine half smiled.

"And you Nathan?" Dr. Hale asked me.

"They didn't call him, and I was already here." Jasmine covered for me.

"Oh Okay well get some sleep on your days off." Dr. Hale smiled at Jasmine and squeezed her shoulder, Jasmine nodded and smiled. Dr. Hale smiled at me and then left.

"Why did you cover for me?" I asked.

"Cause you didn't answer your phone when they called you." She shrugged.

"I was in the shower." I replied sheepishly.

"I was just out of the shower when they called me." Jasmine slightly laughed.

"And boy that was a view." A guys voice said from behind me.

"Dude you're to young for her." Another voice spoke.

"Me on the other hand is the same age, right Dr. Mikealson?" The same voice asked.

"Cole what are you doing here? I told you to rest." Jasmine sighed with a small smile.

"He wanted to come and do a check up but specifically asked for you." Tori explained walking closer.

"You could've waited until I got home, you know?" Jasmine said amused.

"He wanted to see you at work." The other guy smirked.

"We did Hunter." This Cole guy corrected smirking throwing an arm around Jasmine's shoulder.

"Yeah whatever. Come on let's go. Nathan you coming?" Jasmine smirked and asked me.

"Yeah sure." I smiled and followed them.

"Take off your shirt and lay down." Jasmine instructed when we got into a room.

"But Love other people are watching." Cole smirked. Jasmine glared at him and even I was scared of that glare. Cole complied and Jasmine lifted his bandage up revealing a very well stitched up bullet wound.

"It looks good. Does it hurt when I push down?" Jasmine asked.

"No not really." Cole replied.

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