Chapter 31

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Jasmine's POV

"I remember this one time Logan tried to talk himself into a club with a girl but she rejected him and I was just standing there and she let me in with her." Hunter laughed. I joined him.

"And he said if he doesn't get a prom date he's gonna go undercover as a gay dude and then try to get a date." Hunter laughed. Just then my phone rings and it showed Logan's name.

"Hello?" I answered on speaker.

"He told you, didn't he?" Logan asked.

"What part." I chuckled. He let out a frustrated growl and that made us laugh harder.

''Hunter freaking Black. I'm gonna kill you.'' Logan threatened over the phone.

''Not if Jasmine kills you first.'' Hunter laughed beside me.

''What? Why me?'' I asked with a pout.

''With your looks babe.'' Logan chuckled.

''Call me babe again and I will seriously kill you.'' I said with a normal tone. He went quiet and I looked at Hunter who just laughed. I started laughing with him and soon Logan joined in.

''Oh. My. God.'' Hunter breathed out.

''Drive safe Logan I don't want to do an accident operation on you.'' I said and chuckled. He just chuckled and said I will before cutting the line.

''So Jasmine about this afternoon?'' Hunter asked nervously when we walked into the kitchen were everyone including Carter sat. He watched my every move and when he heard Hunter's question he looked directly at me.

''What about it?'' I asked playing dumb.

''Are you really gonna move out?'' Luke asked me. Speaking to me for the first time.

''Yes.'' I said immediately.

''But Jas he didn't mean it and he fucked up. Please don't go.'' Max pleaded.

''I can't stay here anymore boys. I'll keep in touch and you can come visit but today was the last straw for me.'' I explained looking at everyone except Carter. Everyone nodded with sad looks.

''What if we need you?'' Cole asked beside me with a sad face.

''I'll be just one call away.'' I said with a small smile for quoting a song. He chuckled and nodded.

''I'll be gone tomorrow night at the latest.'' I said looking at Carter. He looked at me but quickly looked away.

''We'll help you.'' Hunter said.

''It's fine guys. I have to go check on the house anyway and I'll probably stay there and clean it before getting my stuff in the morning.'' I explained. They nodded and gave me small smiles.

''You'll always have a home here Jasmine.'' Riley said when we walked to my room.

''I know Riles.'' I smiled back at her. I grabbed a sports bag and packed a few things for the night. I also grabbed my laptop and chargers. When I walked down Carter came up the stairs. He didn't look at me and I didn't look at him. I saw Hunter and Luke exchange looks before walking towards me.

''Thanks.'' I smiled when they handed me my bike and car keys. They nodded and walked away. Just when I opened the door a girl with blonde hair and big fake boobs was about to knock.

''Carter Black?'' She asked confused.

''Carter! She's here.'' I shouted and I saw everyones eyes on me and the girl.

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