Chapter 38

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Jasmine's POV

It's been two weeks since the whole race thing. Riley moved in the next day with me and Natasha and Rebekah joined us the next day. Emily and Brooke took their tickets with alot of apologies and left for good.

Riley started working with me as my PA and Natasha started working as a dietitian for the hospital Rebekah joined and is now working as Natasha's PA.

We all hang-out at work when we can. Natasha only works Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and some Fridays. Rebekah and Riley works our hours but sometimes they go in another day if other doctors asked for their help. I work Mondays to Wednesdays but I try to go in an hour each day to check up cause that's what a boss is supposed to do.

Today is Wednesday and I'm currently doing rounds. My phone beeped and I saw Riley texted me.

Big bosses in the conference room up top. They want you up there in 10.

Thanks Ri.

Wondering what they want to talk about I walked to the lift. I pushed the floor button and went up. Stepping out I saw them talking with each other. I knocked on the door and all 3 of them looked up at me with smiles when I entered.

''You wanted to see me?'' I asked taking a seat after greeting each one of them.

''Yes we did.'' James smiled.

''We would like to congratulate you on this past few weeks. You were put under alot of pressure with the promotion but you're doing an amazing job.'' Marcus smiled at me.

''Thank you.'' I smiled at them.

''We have a question?'' Thomas asked. I nodded telling him to continue.

''How would you feel if we asked you to throw the 100 th year celebration of St. Mary's?'' He asked.

''I would be honoured.'' I smiled.

''Good cause it is the boss's job to throw a ball or whatever for every 10th year.'' James smirked at me.

''And the 100th year is a big deal.'' Marcus finished with his own smirk.

''Well then this will be the party everyone talks about for the next 100 years.'' I smirked at them.

''We knew we could count on you.'' Thomas smirked at me.

''When is it?'' I asked.

''Next week Friday.'' Marcus answered. I nodded an idea already froming in my head.

''I'll see you then. Also the invitions will be out tomorrow or later today.'' I smirked at them.

''Can't wait.'' They smiled. We bidded our goodbyes and we walked out. I walked them out and waved at them. When I turned around my little fan group, Nathan, Dean, Natasha, Riley and Rebekah stood there watching me.

''What?'' I asked walking around them but they followed me.

''Why did they want to see you?'' Natasha asked immediately.

''They congratulated me and said I'll be planning the hospitals 100th celebration.'' I explained with a smile.

''Oh my god. That's amazing.'' Everyone smiled at me.

''When is it?'' Rebekah asked.

''Next week Friday. The invitations will be sent out tomorrow or later today. Also Riley get me a list of all the people working here and a few others and some info on the last 2 celebrations, please?'' I asked. She nodded and walked away.

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