Chapter 35

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Jasmine's POV

''God I love this car.'' Hunter sighed sitting in the passenger seat of my Dodge Charger. He and Nathan decided to drive with me.

''Yeah me too.'' Me and Nathan said in sync.

''That's weird.'' Hunter laughed as we started laughing as well.

''Jasmine why did you help those nurses when they tried ruining you?'' Nathan asked from the backseat.

''They might have tried but they never succeeded and well I don't wanna be the bad guy and they deserve to live a life just far away from me or I would've kill them if I saw them on a street.'' I explained with a shrug.

''You're something else Jas.'' Hunter and Nathan chuckled.

''Do you know me any other way.'' I chuckled wih them.

''Wanna see something epic?'' I asked with a smirk and an evil glint.

''Oh god what are you planning?'' Hunter asked when he noticed my evil glint.

''Put your safety belts on.'' I ordered. They did as told and held tight onto something.

I sped up a little then slowed down then sped up again and slowed down again. I saw the guys infront of me turn around and looked at me. I sped up again until I was a feet away from Carter's car I turned the wheel and twisted the car so I was reversing next to Carter's car. Everyone in his car looked at me with wide eyes. I winked at them and drove past all the bikes. I saw Calvin and them smirk at me even Natasha and Riley.

It was 2 lines so other cars going the other way wouldn't hit me but it was quiet so no one was out at this time except us. Speeding up in reverse I changed gears and the front of the car lifted up. Just like in fast and the furious except I'm reversing. Hunter and Nathan held on tightly and looked at me with wide eyes. I turned the wheel still with the 2 front wheels in the air I turned the car around to face the front when I did the front wheels went down and touched the ground. I revved again and started driving normal again.

''Oh my god. That was fucking amazing!'' Hunter yelled and fist bumped the air. Just then my phone ringed and it showed Carter's number.

''Hello.'' I answered with a smirk.

''How the fuck did you do that?'' Ryder's voice asked through the phone.

''Do what?'' I asked innocently.

''Just tell them Jas.'' I heard Calvin say.

''Did you group call me even the bikes?'' I asked.

''Yeah.'' Carter said.

''Now tell us what?'' Mason asked.

''I'll show you at the race.'' I sighed and cut the call. Hunter and Nathan both looked at me then Hunter smirked.

''You're her aren't you?'' He asked.

''Who?'' I asked innocently.

''The Black fucking Widow.'' He said with a huge grin.

''I don't know what you're talking about.'' I shrugged.

''Bullshit!'' Nathan yelled from behind.

''You totally are her.'' He said poking his head between me and Hunter.

''You were last seen at New Haven just once then you disappeared forever that was 3 years ago. The last time you raced here was 4 almost 5 years ago. You moved to New Haven to study at Yale but before that you lived here and you raced before everything happened with Scott and them then you disappeared. Coincidence? I think not.'' Hunter explained looking at me with a smirk.

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