Chapter 24

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Jasmine's POV

We finally arrived at the carnival. There were two guy car guards and a lot of people standing where the bikes should park. When I looked again Carter was struggling to get through. I revved my engine maybe a little to loud and everyone went silent and they moved out of our ways. I parked and I heard Carter parked next to me. I was still on my bike when everyone was already off. I took off my helmet and I heard a lot of low whistles and whispers. I climbed off of my bike and tied my helmet to my bike.

''Have I ever told you how badass you are?'' Riley asked me as we walked to the ticket booth.

''No, I don't think you did.'' I smirked at her.

''Well you're totally badass.'' Riley smirked back at me.

We walked to the ticket booth with everyone still staring in awe and shock at us.

''Hi how many-wow.'' The guy said looking at me then Riley, then everyone else.

''Hi.'' I smiled at him.

''H-hi.'' He stuttered out.

''We would like some tickets please?'' I asked with a smile.

''O-of c-course. H-how m-many?'' He asked stuttering.

''18 please.'' I smiled. He looked shocked but gave it to me anyway. I handed him the cash just when Carter pulled out his wallet. I looked at him with a small smile which he returned with a playful glare.

''Thank you.'' I smiled at the guy.

''Enjoy your night.'' The guy smiled at me and helped people to the right of me.

''Let's go.'' Emily cheered. We smiled and walked in. People stopped and stared a little until they walked away, quicker then before.

''My my my if it isn't little Jassy bear.'' Some said from behind me with his hand on my waist.

''K-Bear?'' I asked turning around in his arms.

''Hi there sweet thing.'' He smirked at me.

''Oh my god.'' I squealed and pulled him in for a tight hug.

''It's been forever K-Bear.'' I said after I let him go.

''Yeah J-bear. I heard you were back but the J's didn't tell me where you lived.'' Kyle explained.

''Oh. Well it's kinda uhh complicated.'' I explained looking at the guys who gave me confused looks. Kyle followed my eyes and when he saw Carter and the guys he stepped back with a nervous smile.

''Scared?'' I asked amused.

''Shitless.'' He answered looking at them. I laughed and bumpd his hip. Kyle is 6'0 with brown hair and brown eyes is good built but nothing like Carter or Hunter, he's also handsome but again not like Carter or Hunter. Wait what?

''I'm Carter and this is Luke, Mason, Hunter, Zack, Ashton, Brody, Cole, Sam, Jordon, Ryder and Sam. The girls are Rebekah, Emile, Riley and Brooke. And I guess you know Ethan.'' Carter introduced with a smirk. He shook Kyle's hand a little to strong making Kyle flinch.

''Nice to meet you.'' Kyle smiled shaking his hand.

''Kyle my man. What's up?'' Ethan asked with a smile.

''Ethan bro. Long time no see.'' Kyle said and they did that bro hug thing. I saw Hunter clench his fist along with most of the boys.

''Jealous?'' I whispered to him.

''Definitely.'' He whispered back.

''So J-bear what are you doing here?'' Kyle asked when we started walking.

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