Chapter 36

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Jasmine's POV

''What are you doing?'' Liam asked walking closer to me.

''Showing them who's boss.'' I smirked and turned around towards the gang.

''That was funny.'' Cole chuckled. I looked at Riley and Natasha and high fived them. I smirked and walked to my car. I saw Liam, Shawn and Cameron walking back to Grayson and Ryan who is in a serious conversation with the 2 mice.

''Who is the 2 mice?'' I asked a guy who walked infront of me. He has brownish blonde hair with brown eyes and wears glasses but he makes them look hot also he is well build and handsome. He looked up at me shocked. I raised an eyebrow and he blushed but walked closer to me.

''The one with eveything fake even the white bleached blonde hair is Carly and the other one is Lucy.'' He said standing next to me.

''Let me guess their stripper names is peanut and butter the duet?'' I said/asked sarcastically.

''How did you know?'' He asked faking shocked.

''I'm like totally their biggest fans.'' I said in a high pitched tone.

''I always have the biggest fans when they are around.'' I chuckled. He looked at me and started laughing.

''I'm Danny.'' He smiled at me extending his hand for me to shake.

''I'm Jasmine.'' I smiled at him and shaked his hand.

''Goodluck for the race. I'll see you at the finish line.'' He smirked at me and walked away.

''You're racing?'' Greg and Matt asked walking closer to me.

''It's about time.'' Matt smiled at me.

''Definitely.'' I smiled at them. I walked closer to them and both of them pulled me in for a bear hug.

''You look good Jas.'' Greg smiled at me after he let go off me.

''Thanks. You guys look handsome as always.'' I smiled at them.

''We know.'' Matt said and flexed his muscle.

''Oh look a tini tiny muscle. Can I touch it?'' I asked in a small voice. Matt pouted at me and I smiled at him.

''Atleast it's bigger then your brain.'' Matt shot back.

''Wow you have a brain Matt. When did this happen?'' I asked looking at a grinning Greg.

''Ha ha funny. It's good to have you back Jas.'' Matt smiled at me.

''It's good to be back.'' I smirked and flexed my muscles.

''Show off.'' Matt mumbled and walked away with a laughing Greg.

''Wow after 3 guys I finally have a chance to talk to you.'' Cole said with a smirk and a smiling Hunter behind him.

''Aren't I just Mrs. Popular.'' I said faking excitement. I walked to the hood of my car and opened it.

''What you doing?'' Cole asked looking over my shoulder along with Hunter.

''Checking my baby to make sure everythings good.'' I explained.

''Damn girl I love what's under this hood.'' Jordon and Max said walking closer.

''But I wouldn't mind looking under your hood.'' Max smirked at me looking me up and down.

''I would mind looking under yours. Apparently there's nothing to see.'' I shot back not looking up. I heard him mumble a whatever and the rest laughing.

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