Chapter 48

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Jasmine's POV

Finally it's the day of the party. I'm more then excited. Bella stayed over last night after that Britney thing stayed at Jason's. But he came to his senses this morning at freaking 3am. But he came and got Bella and gave me this huge apology and I forgave him but warned him if he ever did it again I might just kill him only to bring him back to live.

It is currently 9 am and I just got out of the shower. I know everyone is sleeping until later but I have to go and make sure everything is in order. Getting dressed in shorts and a tank top with my low cut converse. I walk out and into the kitchen. No one is awake yet. Grabbing some muffins I made yesterday I take it and walk to my mustang.

I drove to the venue but I first stopped for some Starbucks not just for me but for everyone. Stopping there David is busy bossing people around. Climbing out his eyes met mine and he has a huge smile on his face. Trying to handle 10 cups off coffee is harder then it looks I smile back. He sees the coffe and immediately came and took 5. Quickly handing it out and keeping 2 for me and him. We walk in and I smile at him.

''It looks amazing.'' I smiled looking around.

''Well you did plan it.'' He smiled at me.

I helped a few hours until they literally shoved me out and told me to go home and get ready. My nails took an hour and after that I went home. When I stopped I noticed most of the guys cars of bikes were there. Walking in I heard talking and laughing.

''Hey guys.'' I smiled at everyone. While taking out my hair from it's messy bun.

''Hey Jas.'' They all smiled at me. Then they looked at my nails then hair.

''What?'' I asked.

''Is your dress gold?'' Hunter asked with a smirk.

''You'll see.'' I smirked back.

''So what are you all doing here?'' I asked grabbing an apple.

''Well we are getting ready here.'' Grayson explained.

''All 53 of you?'' I asked with a raised eyebrow.

''Minus Calvin, JJ, Sed and Kyle they are getting ready with their dates.'' Andrew explained and took a seat next to me.

''Well then you are more then welcome to use the guest rooms. There is 10 left. The girls including me have our own rooms.'' I explained. They nodded and smiled at me.

''If you need help just ask me.'' I smiled and stood up.

''Where you going?'' Cole asked.

''The hairstylists and make up ladies will be here in 5 minutes.'' I explained.

''Just for you?'' Luke asked.

''No for Riley, Natasha and Rebekah as well. It was Natasha's idea I'm just going with it.'' I explained just as the doorbell tinged. Smiling I walked to door.

Opening there stood Elena along with the other 3. Yeah Elena is doing mine she's crazy good. Also she works with the other 3. They smiled at me and walked in already knowing their rooms.

''When did you get here?'' Elena asked walking into the kitchen with me.

''Like 5 minutes ago.'' I explained.

''Hi boys.'' Elena smiled.

''Hey Elena.'' They smiled at her. Getting out cold drink for me and Elena and the other 3 I see the boys already has drinks.

''See you later guys.'' I smiled and walked up with Elena. After giving the other 3 their drinks and saying Hi to the girls we walk to my room and I start with a shower.

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