Chapter 40

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Jasmine's POV

''Alexander?'' I asked stunned when I saw him standing there in the doorway of the lounge.

''Yeah.'' He smiled at me.

''Oh my god.'' I breathed out and practically jumped into his arms. He chuckled but held onto me tight. I winced and he noticed putting me down.

''You didn't?'' He asked. I nodded and smirked at him.

''I saved his life if that counts.'' I smiled at him.

''Jasmine.'' He warned.

''Alexander.'' I smirked back. He glared at me and I glared back. His glared softened and he pulled me into his arms again. I hugged him tight and rested my head on his chest.

''So is this the Alexander?'' Carter asked from behind me.

''Yeah. Everyone this is Alexander Green.'' I smiled. He shaked everyone's hand and did the bro hug thing with Ethan and them that he knows. He also shaked the girls hands then walked back to me and threw an arm around my waist but softly and slowly.

''It's good to finally meet you.'' Hunter smiled at him. Alexander grinned back at them.

''Thanks.'' He smiled.

''I can't believe you're back.'' I smiled but then frowned. I got out of his grip and turned towards him.

''What are you doing back C?'' I asked with a raised eyebrow.

''I came to visit also I left the army. They said my services is no longer needed and they'll sent me a letter if they need me.'' He explained. I looked at him and my eyes softened showing my true emotions since a long time.

''You're actually back.'' I smiled. He nodded and smiled back.

"How did you know where she lived?'' Luke asked.

''Cause this is her favourite place.'' Alexander said with a knowing smile. I was about to say something but my phone rang cutting everyone off. I looked at the number and it showed Sheriff J.

''Hello?'' I asnwered with a frown.

''Hey Jassy girl.'' He greeted a little out of breath. I excused myself and walked into the kitchen putting my phone on speaker.

''Talk to me.'' I said rubbing my forehead.

''I need your help.'' He sighed out. I heard everyone walking in but ignored them.

''With what?'' I asked.

''You know the usual. Go undercover show some skin get the bad guy.'' He said. I nodded even though I knew he can't see me.

''When and where?'' I asked.

''I'll be there in 5 then I'll explain everything.'' He said and cut the line. Just like he said in 5 minutes there was a knock. I Opened it and showed him into the kitchen where everyone stood.

''Okay well I need you and-oh my god Alexander. Come here boy." Sheriff J began but stopped when he saw Alexander. They did that bro hug thing and Sheriff J smiled at him.

"It's good to see you boy." Sheriff J smiled. Then looked at all of us. His eyes landed on me and he looked me up and down then it hit him.

"You dyed your hair." He pointed out. Just then Alexander saw it too and smile at me.

"You look hot in blonde." Alexander winked at me and Sheriff J nodded in agreement.

''I know." I smirked.

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