Chapter 30

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Jasmine's POV

After lunch everyone went to class. I quickly drove home and got some booty shorts, a white sportsbra and a purple see through workout shirt along with my soccer boots. My soccer boots starts purple then ends in a light blue. Walking out of my room I'm face to face with a smirking Cole.

''Where you going?'' He asked looking at my bag.

''Back to the school dad.'' I said with sass and walked away chuckling.

''Why?'' Zack asked standing next to Mason and Ryder.

''Some guy challenged me to a game after school. If he wins he gets to take me to his prom, if I win he buys me McDonald's.'' I explained looking at them.

''I have to see this.'' Zack smirked getting his keys and following me outside. Cole, Ryder and Mason nodded walking behind Zack. I just smiled and climbed on my bike. I started the engine and drove to the school. When I got there it was last period and I quickly changed. When I walked out Coach S stood there with Logan. Coach S smirked at us then looked at the field.

''I have a new game and it will be way better then the first one.'' He smirked and walked. Logan and I looked at each other with raised eyebrows but followed him. When we walked out the bleachers were full of people. Students, teachers, other people. Even the whole gang was there. Most smiled at me and I smiled back. The girls all cheered my name and I waved at them and blew a kiss.

''Right listen up.'' Coach S said into a mic trying to shut everyone up. He looked at me and I smirked.

''Oi! Shut it!'' I shouted without a mic, everyone turned quiet and stared at me. Coach S cleared his throat and began talking.

''We have some new developments in this bet. Instead of playing 3 on 3. Jasmine will be playing against the whole soccer team and Logan will lead them along with Hunter. If Jasmine wins Logan owes her McDonald's and if the soccer team wins Jasmine will go to prom with Logan. What do you think?'' Coach S asked with a smirk directed towards me. Just then everyone cheered and the whole soccer team came running out. 11 players, one goalie and 3 reserves.

I nodded with a smirk telling him it's on. Logan also nodded and looked at me with a smirk. I winked at him and walked to my water bottle were the girls stood waiting for me. Everyone cheered and I saw Logan and Hunter even Coach S helping them into a plan.

''You nervous?'' Emily asked.

''Not really.'' I said and watched their movements.

''Okay I think I got it.'' I said seeing it in my head.

''Wanna tell us?'' Riley asked. I nodded.

''So he will put 3 at the back close to each other, 2 infront of them and 3 far away form each other in front of them then 2 a little closer and one infront. Number 4 and 6 will swap while number 11 and 3 will criss cross with number 9 and 2. Number 10 and 5 will swap and number 7 and 8 will swap while number 1 will be going for the ball. They'll try to confuse me with their movements so that number 1 can get the ball. I'm gonna look for openings and take it and kick straight but a little left cause they won't be expecting it.'' I explained. They nodded at me and smiled. I smiled back and took my place on the field.

Everyone smirked at me and I moved a little so I was standing infront of Ashton who so happened to be number 3. I winked at him and his smirk faded. Coach S blew the whistle and everyone did they swaps by the time Hunter number 1 were at the ball I was standing with it between my legs. I winked at him and ran. I side stepped Logan and number 11,and ran through number 5 and 4. Number 8 and 10 tried to block me but I turned around and ran straight through number 8 and 10. I saw Logan running towards me I smirked and kicked the ball in the air. I jumped sideways and kicked the straight but a little to the left on the top. It went straight through the goalies hands and hit the net. I landed on my feet and when I stood up everyone cheered at me.

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