Chapter 49

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Hunter's POV

We were all introduced and was just getting a beer when Andrew stood on the stairs and started moving outside. We all followed him and when we did we saw galaxy Lamborghini. The pink fades into a purple and it sounded like it had a V10.

One of the attendants came and opened the driver's door. His eyes went wide and he looked completely speechless. He held out his hand and someone took it. All of our eyes went wide and our jaws were literally hanging on the floor. The person that came out was none other then Jasmine. A freaking beautiful, hot, sexy every freaking word to describe beautiful.

She had on a tight gold dress that had sparkles over it. It had a low v-neck with a low back and hugged every curve of her perfectly. There was a slit that went kinda high infront and when she walked her legs and shoes showed. She had 6 inch gold high heels on. Her sides were open and also showed a tattoo. She didn't cover her tattoo's and were proud of them. She gave him the key with a wink and turned towards us.

She smiled at us and started walking down the red carpet. A reported called her and she stopped and walked towards him. He smiled at her and she smiled back.

''Dr. Mikaelson. How do you feel about how everything turned out?'' He asked in a professional voice.

''Amazing. Everything is looking even better then I imagined it. I'm honoured to have an amazing team and to actually held this event.'' Jasmine smiled.

''Wow. You look beautiful on such a beautiful evening.'' He smiled at her with a wink.

''Thank you so much. Have a lovely evening.'' Jasmine smiled and walked towards us. Before we could say anything Andrew ushered all of us in. We walked to our tables and took a seat.Cole's dad walked up to the stairs and clicked his glass.

''Welcome everyone. I'm honoured to present this years host and the host of the most amazing party yet. The beautiful Dr. Jasmine Mikaelson.'' He smiled. All of us gave a big applause and you could hear whistles. Alot of people were stunned when they saw her but then cheered louder. Jasmine smiled and walked down and stood next to Thomas. She smiled at him and he kissed her cheek.

''Thank you for the warm welcoming.'' Jasmine smiled.

''I'm honoured to held this year's party. And I hope you all have an amazing evening. And enjoy the party of the years to follow.'' Jasmine smiled. We all cheered just then a live band came on and alot of people started dancing with each other. Jasmine walked through the crowd and was given alof of congratulations. She smiled at everyone.

She stopped infront of Natasha, Riley and Rebekah and they all group hugged. Jasmine laughed and started walking towards us.

''So what do you think?'' She asked when she reached us.

''Wow.'' Was all we said. She chuckled at us.

''It's amazing Jas. You look Amazing. It's just wow. We don't have words to describe it.'' I said and looked at her. Her eyes were shining like never before and she smiled up at me.

''I'm glad you guys like it.'' She smile at us.

''Not like, love.'' Chase corrected. Jasmine chuckled and excused herself.

She talked to alot of people and when she finally could slip away she walked to the bar. She ordered a purple drink that looked like a cocktail.

We all had fun and just talked until one of the guys from the band called Jasmine up and she smiled up at them. She walked up and the guy gave her a lopsided smile.

''So we heard Ms. Jasmine over here is quite the singer.'' The lead singer smirked. Jasmine's eyes went wide but she just chuckled.

''Maybe.'' Jasmine replied with a smirk.

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