Chapter 7

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Luke's POV

After Jasmine left we all just stayed up talking, watching tv until we all fell asleep on the couches.

Around 7 am all of us woke up and there was no sign of Jasmine coming home. Just then I saw my phone flashing lights signalling I have a text. Opening my texts I see it's from Jasmine.

From Jasmine-
Hey. I know it's way to early but do you mind bringing me extra clothes as soon as you wake up? Please ;).

The text was send around 3 am. Damn she stayed at the hospital this whole time. She must have slept there after she left. Quickly sending her a reply.

To Jasmine-
Sure I'll be there in 10.

I left everyone downstairs and went to her room. When I opened her closet I was in awe. I excepted just black clothes or an untidy closet but I got the complete opposite. Rows of different coloured clothes and everything was in it's place.

I grab black skinny jeans and black tights she can choose which to wear with a blue short flowy tank top. I also grabbed black converse and black ankle high boots. I also put in black lace undergarments but damn that was almost the death of me, she just have lace undergarments. Putting all of this with her brush and make up bag in a duffel bag I close her room door only to se Carter about to knock.

"What are you doing?" He asked me slightly shocked.

"I'm getting her clothes. She asked me to, cause she didn't come back last night." I explained.

"Oh. I was about to check if she was here." He said looking down sheepishly

"Well I'm gonna take it to her before the hospital opens." I said and started walking away.

"Mind if I come?" Carter asked.

"Of course not." I said.

"Can we come?" Hunter, Ashton, Zack, and Mason asked.

"Yeah. Let's go." Me and Carter reply in sync but we both sound a little annoyed. They nodded and we left on our bikes. We drove to the hospital in under 5 minutes.

When we got there it was half past 7. And there was only a few cars in the parking lot. That was until an ambulance came rushing in and stopped at the emergency entrance. 2 paramedics opened the back door and got a young boy on a stetcher out. Jasmine came running out and she looked hot but kinda tired.

"What happened?" She asked.

"Louis Caarstens age 13. Can't breath and said he has pain in his chest." The one paramedic explained. Jasmine nodded and didn't look up. They rushed into the hospital with us behind them. When they were in a room Jasmine put on gloves and took off her stethoscope.

"Okay everyone quiet." She shouted and everything turned silent. She put the stethoscope against his chest and pushed down a little.

"Okay get him to the OR now. He has something stuck in his throat that needs to be cut out that's why he can't breath and his chest hurts. Now!'' Jasmine demanded. The nurses nodded and took the kid away to the OR. Just then Jasmine looked up and her eyes connected with mine then all of us.

''Hi guys." Jasmine half smiled.

"H-hi." We breathed out.

"Here follow me to my office." She smiled and started walking after she threw her gloves away.

"You have your own office?" Hunter asked.

"Yeah. They gave me one." She shrugged and walked into her office. She has a computer with a printer on a wooden desk. With two couches on either side and two chairs in front of her desk with a black leather chair behind the desk were she sat.

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