Chapter 29

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Jasmine's POV

Finally it's Friday and I can't wait to go and speak with everyone. Yesterday Dr. Hale explained everything to me and it isn't that hard. I haven't spoken to Carter or Luke since Wednesday night and I don't know why.

Clearing my head I walked to the bathroom and quickly showered. When I'm done I walked back into my room and into my closet. I picked out the perfect outfit that says young, hot but professional.

Pulling on black lace undergarments I pulled on the outfit. It's a black tight crop top with a high neck and flowers at the sides, the skirt has the same print but only comes up to me belly button and is tight and reaches about mid thigh.

I left my hair in it's natural waves with my fringe to the right side. I did a light smokey eye with black winged eye liner and red lipstick. Lastly I pulled on my tie up black 6 inch heels. It reached a little above my ankles. Grabbing my purse with my wallet and phone and gum in it I spray a little perfume and walk out.

I walked into the kitchen were everyone including Carter and Luke were seated. Everyone looked up and everyone's eyes went wide.

''Morning.'' I smiled and walked to the coffee. I poured myself a cup and turned around. Everyone were still staring at me.

''Why are you staring?'' I asked.

''Where are you going?'' Carter asked.

''I have my speech at Ridell, remember?'' I asked raising an eyebrow at him. He nodded and looked down at his plate.

''Right. Hunter, Ashton you ready?'' I asked putting down my empty cup. They nodded and stood up. I winked at Cole and he smirked back at me shaking his head.

''Are you riding with your bike or car?'' Hunter asked.

''Bike.'' I smirked and took the keys. They nodded and we walked to our bikes. I saw the guys stare after us as we drove out of the gate. We drove to the school and when we got there Hunter and Ashton drove in first with me trailing behind them. I saw Principal Edwards standing by the door. When he saw my bike he smiled and walked closer.

We stopped and everyone looked at us. I climbed off and heard a few whistles. Hunter and Ashton walked towards me and I smiled at them.

''See you later.'' Hunter smiled at me. I nodded and walked towards Principal Edwards.

''Morning Principal Edwards.'' I smiled at him.

''Morning Jasmine.'' He smiled at me. He gave me an hug and we started walking towards the entrance.

''The students have register then everyone will move to the main hall where you and a few others will be talking.'' He explained. I nodded and followed him. Students stopped and stared at us and whispered among themselves.

''You can get a coffee then meet everyone else in the hall.'' He smiled at me and left. After a few seconds Hunter and Ashton were walking on either side of me.

''What are you doing?'' I asked amused.

''Everyone is staring at you and we thought we could show you around.'' Ashton explained. I stopped and looked at them amused.

''You know I went so school here not that long ago.'' I chuckled and walked forward without them.

''Thanks tho.'' I called over my shoulder. I walked to the cafeteria were alot of teens were eating and sitting.

''Morning.'' I greeted the lady behind the cash register.

''Morning.'' She smiled at me.

''Can I please get a vanilla cuppichino with 4 sugars and cream?'' I asked. She nodded and I handed her the money. She made it and gave it to me. I smiled and thanked her. When I turned around everyone stared at me. I smiled and walked to the hall next to the cafeteria.

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