Chapter 17

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Jasmine's POV

After I left the lounge I climb into my bed and drift off to a dreamless sleep.

I get woken up by my ringtone blaring throughout my room. Picking it up I see the hospitals number.

''Hello?'' I answered.

''Dr. Mikaelson? It's Alex the nurse. Sorry for waking you but you're on call also you're the first one to answer but we need your help.'' Alex said.

''What happened?'' I asked.

''A guy was in a car accident he drove into a tree. The air bag deployed but it hit his head pretty bad. Also he needs surgery but we don't know where. He's struggling to breath.'' Alex explained.

''Okay Alex, take him to the OR prep him and get 3 bags of his blood type also get 3 extra nurses there. I'll be there in 10.'' I explained. She said a quick okay and ended the line. Looking at the clock it showed 3 am.

Quickly grabbing a tight skater galaxy skirt with a blackish tank crop top with the words 'star scraper' on it. With black lace up high heels and my black purse. My hair is in its natural waves on my shoulders. I did a light blackish smokey eye and black winged eye liner with pink lipstick.

Grabbing my doctors coat, phone and purse I ran downstairs only to see all the guys in the lounge asleep. Quickly writing a note and putting it on the freezer I grab my keys and ran out towards my cars.

I got to the hospital in under 5 minutes. Running to the OR I see Alex ,Seth, Gary and Olivia standing there.

''What's his info?'' I ask.

''Mason Jordon, age 22,blood type O-. Lost alot of blood and is struggling to breath. Hit his head and neck pretty hard.'' Alex explained.

''Okay. Everyone quiet.'' I said. I grabbed my stethoscope and put it against his heart. It's beating regular. Sliding it down to his lungs I hear it beat irregular which can only mean one thing.

''Okay. He has a broken rib that is working its way in to his lungs also his neck is fine but he might have a concussion.'' I explained and started the operation.

Just like I thought one of his ribs is punchering his lung. I took care of is rib and fixed his lung. I also did a blood transplant and fixed him up. He is currently in ICU and should be waking up anytime soon.

''Dr. Mikaelson Mason's friends and family is waiting for you. Also here is the paperwork.'' Olivia smiled and handed it to me.

''Thank you.'' I smiled and started walking to the waiting room while filling out the paper work.

''Mason Jordan's family?'' I asked and looked up. When I looked up there stood 3 guys, a girl and an olderly looking couple that looked like his parents.

''Yes?'' They asked worriedly.

''I'm Dr. Mikaelson. Mason is in ICU and should be waking up any time now.'' I said with a smile.

''Oh thank god. Was there anything serious wrong?'' His mother I think asked.

''One of his ribs was punchering his lung but I fixed it also he has a small concussion and I did a blood transplant. Other then that he is going to be just fine.'' I smiled at them.

''Thank you so much Dr. Mikaelson.'' His father smiled and shook my hand.

''It's my pleasure. Follow me to his room.'' I smiled and started walking.

''I'm Jennifer and this is Mark we're Mason's parents.'' Jennifer explained. Jennifer has brown hair with brown eyes and is 5'8. Mark has light brown hair with blue eyes and is 6'3.

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