Chapter 20

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Carter's POV

''Nathan explain. Now.'' I said slowly after Jasmine left.

''Before I moved here I worked at the top hospital in London. One day a tourist came in with a heart condition and I didn't do a heart transplant that I should've done. I just stitched his heart. I was going through a rough patch cause my girlfriend just cheated on me with my best friend and I was supposed to do this big operation the next day. Since then I can't do big operations cause the heart that should've been transplanted the guy died cause of a heart attack. I was to late to save him. The other guy survived until last night when he had a heart attack cause he got the wrong heart.'' Nathan explained looking down.

''What is his name?'' Cole asked.

''Carel Johnson.'' Nathan replied.

''Wait? What?'' We all asked.

''Like the brother of Sheriff J better known as Sheriff Tom Johnson his brother.'' Jasmine said when she walked in the room with booty shorts and a sport bra that showed her bruises and cuts from yesterday.

''Jasmine I-I.'' Nathan began but Jasmine cut him off.

''Nathan I'm not gonna say it's fine. We promised to save people's lifes no matter what. But I understand and I'm sorry for being pissed but can you blame me? Just promise me it won't happen again and we will be fine?'' Jasmine asked and said leaning against the wall.

''I'm really sorry and it won't happen again. I'm working on getting back to do the big operations but I just feel guilty every time I practice even if it is on a fake heart or something.'' Nathan said looking down.

''Nathan it's in the past and it will haunt you but that was another time. Look where you are today you can do so many things. If you don't forgive yourself the past will always haunt you and follow you. Don't focus on the past or you'll miss the future.'' Jasmine said sincerely with a hand on Nathan's shoulder. Nathan nodded and looked at Jasmine.

''Thanks Jasmine.'' Nathan said with a small smile.

''What are friends for.'' She smiled and came towards the couch I was sitting on. She took a seat but winced a little.

''How you feeling?'' I asked.

''It stings like a bitch everytime I have to sit and standing for 11 hours doing the operation made it worse. Also I didn't sleep so it just wears me out.'' Jasmine said with a slight yawn at the end.

''It looks pretty bad.'' Zach stated.

''What? Really? I thought I looked amazing.''' Jasmine replied sarcastically.

''Well definitely more badass.'' Hunter said when he walked in.

''How you feeling?'' Jasmine asked him.

''Considering I slept until now, amazing. It hurts a little but other then that good as new.'' Hunter smirked taking a seat with a groan and a wince next to Jasmine.

''Pussy.'' Jasmine smirked.

''What? I'm not.'' Hunter defended.

''Yeah dude you are. Jasmine has cracked ribs and cuts and she just slightly winced when she sat down. You groaned and full on winced and you got shot.'' Cole explained.

''You stayed in bed for like 2 days.'' Hunter shot back at Cole.

''Whatever.'' Cole sighed.

''You guys really needs to get shot less. Or any other stuff.'' Jasmine stated throwing her legs over Hunter's and closing her eyes.

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