Chapter 32

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Jasmine's POV

I got home after WallMart and I packed everything away. I also left a note to my house keeper Elena. She has always been like my mother when she was around when I was younger. She only come's in once a week but I don't know if I'll be here so I leave her money and a note.

After showering I went on social media and just scrolled through until I saw a photo of me with Logan on his instagram. It was of me drinking a milkshake and he took the selfie while holding a burger. 'A deal is a deal. Until next time Jaz.' Was his caption. I smiled and loved it. Just then my phone ringed.

''Hello?'' I asked not looking at the caller ID.

''Jasmine it's Luke. We need your help.'' Luke said in a rushed voice.

''I'm coming.'' I said and I immediately stood up and ran towards the garage. Still in sweats, a tank top and low cut converse. Grabbing any keys I could find I walk in the garage only to see I chose my red Lykan HyperSport.

Climbing in I drove out of the garage and luckily it closes by it selve. Putting my foot down on the gas I arrive in five minutes at the gang house. Hunter and Luke came running out with weird faces. They look at the car confused until I opened the door and jumped out. I lock the car and ran towards them.

''What's going on?'' I asked them.

''Something's wrong with Carter's bootycall.'' Luke said sheepishly.

''Of course.'' I sighed and walked in. Everyone were standing around her and she layed on her side curled up in a ball holding her stomach.

''What happened?'' I asked when I walked in. Everyone had a relief face when they saw me even Carter.

''I-I don't know.'' Carter stuttered out. I nodded and bended in front of her.

''What's your name?'' I asked when I held a cold cloth over her forehead.

''C-Carol W-Winston.'' She breathed out.

''Where does it hurt Carol?'' I asked.

''M-my s-stomach.'' She explained. I nodded and moved my hands over her stomach. Luckily I brought my stethoscope with me. I take it and slowly put it on her stomach. It's not her stomach but she's about to lose a baby if I don't save it.

''Bring me a cold wet towel and the medical aid now!'' I demanded. A few minutes later Cole came and gave them to me.

''Carol how far along are you?'' I asked and she looked at me scared.

Carter's POV

''Carol how far along are you?'' Jasmine asked and I immediately froze. Carol looked at Jasmine scared then she started crying.

''I'm pregnant.'' Carol sobbed.

''Yes you are but you have to be atleast a month or so.'' Jasmine said and stood up. She pulled her hair back into a messy bun and looked at Carol.

''I'm gonna pick you up and lay you on the floor. It'll hurt but stay on your back and whatever you do don't push.'' Jasmine explained. Carol nodded and twisted. I went to pick her up but Jasmine shook her head and told me to stop. Jasmine picked Carol up by herself and layed her down.

She took the towel and threw it over Carol's lower stomach. Carol whimpered and started sobbing.

''Am am I going to lose the baby?'' Carol asked softly.

''No. I'll do everything I can promise.'' Jasmine said and opened the medical aid kit. She took out a syringe and something else.

''This is an IV that will stop the labour.'' Jasmine explained. She took out tape and draped it around Carol's arm. She put in the syringe and taped it to Carol. She took out a thin tube and connected it to the syringe then got a bag out with something that looked like water. Jasmine connected the tube to it then looked at Riley.

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