Chapter 11

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Carter's POV

Today is the day. Today we will finally get rid of the Night Howlers. I was the first one up so I decided to leave everyone so they can sleep. I was busy making some bacon when I heard someone walking down the stairs. Jasmine came in with booty shorts and a tank top. Also she looks like she haven't slept yet.

"Morning." I smiled.

"Morning." She half smiled at me.

"I'm making bacon then I will make pancakes." I said while looking at the bacon.

"I'll help. You continue with the bacon and I will make pancakes." She smiled and got out the pancake mix. She began to mix it and we stood next to each other while making it.

"You haven't slept last night, did you?" I asked.

"No." She replied while flipping over a pancake.

"I couldn't. I was going throughout the plans and everything, also the hospital called and I helped them through a operation." She sighed.

"You're over working it Jas." I sighed when I took the bacon off and put it in a plate.

"I know and after today it will hopefully be better." She sighed and flipped more pancakes. We made small talk while she made pancakes and that was the first time we have talked like that.

Soon enough everyone was awake and we all sat at the kitchen table eating and talking. It was now only 11 am so everyone went their separate ways and Jasmine began with the dishes.

"I'll do the dishes if you want." Luke said.

"No it's fine, I got it." Jasmine half smiled and washed everything.

"Here let me dry them and put them away." Cole smiled. Jasmine nodded and helped him a little giving him stuff to put in the high places.

"You guys really need to lower these stuff." Jasmine pouted looking at the pans up high where Cole hanged them.

"Why I like it when you pout." Zack stated.

"And that lips look just so so-" Hunter began but stopped when he saw Jasmine standing in front of him.

"So what Hunter? Kissable? Yummy? Soft? Delicious?" Jasmine asked biting her lower lip. Even I had to control myself from not taking her right here.

"Y-yes. A-All those." Hunter stuttered out leaning forward closing his eyes. Jasmine also leaned forward but just when their lips was about to touch Jasmine spilled water all over Hunter. He stood there shocked, with his mouth and eyes wide.

"Close your mouth Hunt. Don't wanna catch flies now, do we?" Jasmine asked with a smirk.

"Get ready boys it's already 1pm." Jasmine demanded and walked up to her room.

"H-how can she do that?" Ashton asked amazed.

"I don't know." We all answered.

"Luke can I speak to you for a sec?" I asked when everyone was almost out the door. He nodded and came back.

"What's going on with you and Jasmine?" I asked.

"She heard me and Melissa and I guess she's just hurt." He sighed out.

"No. I'm not hurt Luke, disappointed yes. I heard everything from where you stood by my door and even when you walked and fucked in your room. I didn't peg either of you to be fuck boys but I was wrong." Jasmine said after she walked into the kitchen in just a towel. Wait a towel?

"I'm sorry Jas. But it was all I could do to-to" Luke began but stopped himself.

"To get your mind off of something. I know both of you did it." She sighed.

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