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I walked out of my room and into the living room Dave looked up at me from his phone.

"What are we doing today?"

"I get to choose what we doing?"


"I always wanted to go ice skating."

"Ice skating it is but I'm not getting on the ice Ima watch you."

"You're ice skating with me."

Dave stood up and stretched.

"You're not going to let me back out of this are you?"


"Alright can you open your garage doors so I can park my Range Rover," Dave asked.

"We not taking your Range Rover."

"Nah that's all we've been riding in every time we go somewhere I wanna see you push your Audi."


I walked over to the garage door while Dave went outside I turned on the lights then I pressed the button for the garage doors to open. I made my way back inside I locked the front door then I went to my room to get my purse and keys. I made my way back over to the garage and Dave was standing outside of my Audi I closed the garage door behind me locking it. I unlocked the doors and Dave opened the driver door and I got in he closed the door I started up my Audi and waited on Dave to get in. Once Dave was in I backed up and pressed the button to close the garage doors.

"This is nice as fuck."

"Thank you."

I put the gear in drive and drove down my driveway.

"You gon let me push your car when we leave."

"Yeah just like your Range Rover is your baby this one is mines so don't wreck it."

"I'm not."

"So with Christmas in 2 weeks I was thinking that Christmas Eve day we spend it with your parents and Christmas Day we spend with my parents that night I want you and Kairi to myself."

"Okay so where we gon be at your spot or mines."

"Hmm mines is that fine with you."

"Yeah and don't go overboard with getting Kairi stuff she already got enough stuff as is since I buy her stuff everyday."

"Ima try not to."

"How many kids do you want?"

"It has always been between 3-4 I love kids."

"You want that many kids plus Kairi bad ass."

"Kairi isn't bad."

"Yes she is she like getting into everything."

"That's because she like to explore and see what stuff is."

"Alright well let us stay with you until Christmas and let her explore in your stuff then we'll see if she's not bad."


"Okay," Dave asked.

"Yeah just because I don't have stairs in my house like you don't mean anything."

"Alright you gon be taking your words back real soon."

"If you say so."

"Shit I know so."

I pulled up to the Rink at Rocketfeller Center I parked Dave got out then he opened the door and held out his hand I took his hand and got out I grabbed my purse from under my seat.

Until The End Of Time (Dave East Story)Where stories live. Discover now