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After my mama cooked me her famous Honey wings she had to leave because my dad kept calling her phone being annoying. So I'm enjoying my wings while I'm still waiting on Dave to come back from the store knowing him he went grocery shopping. Kairi still knocked out sleep. I wiped my hands on a paper towel and rubbed my stomach.

"Whatever your are baby me and your daddy are probably going to give you a K name like your big sister who you are going to love."

My phone rung and it was Dave I slid my finger across the phone and answered it.

😍💕MyKing: Babe come open the door.

Me: I'm eating.

😍💕MyKing: Baby my hands are full.

I hung up on Dave I sat my plate down and stood up and walked over to the door opening it he looked at me.

"You should've said okay instead of hanging up."

I stepped aside letting Dave in.


I closed the door and walked back into the living room and sat down I picked my plate up.


"She's sleep."

I started back eating if Dave think I'm going to be eating healthy the entire pregnancy he got me all the way fucked up don't get me wrong I will eat healthy just not all the time. I sat my plate in my lap I got my phone and unlocked it going to Nas name.

ToNasir🎶🙌🏼 :Stop being antisocial and come see me. Delivered. 3:30 pm.

I sat my phone down waiting on Nas to respond back to me my phone pinged.

FromNasir🙌🏼🎶: "I'm not being antisocial just working on my music I'll swing through tomorrow. Read. 3:31 pm.

I sighed and sent an okay 😔 to Nas I miss my big cousin. I had got a DM from my little cousin Yara.

yarashahidi: Deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I'm coming to New York tonight can we link up tomorrow I miss you oh and where's Nas he's been M.I.A with the family.

I chuckled at Yara message then I responded.

dejahsache: Of course we can and I spoke with Nas he's been working on his music.

yarashahidi: Oh well he didn't have to be antisocial towards us but any who I'll text you later I'm about to eat peace and love Deeeeee.

I sent Yara a heart then exited out of Instagram why she didn't text my phone I have no idea. Dave walked out of the kitchen with a plate of wings.

"Baby these wings are fire as fuck you made them?"

"No my mama did she stopped by for a little while."

"You gotta get this recipe from mama Aalena cause these wings are fire."

"I know and I will."

I finished up my wings and went into the kitchen I sat my plate in the sink I washed my hands then I dried them I danced my way over to the freezer to get my ice cream.

Dejah came out of the kitchen dancing while eating out of her bowl.

"Why y'all girls do that dance?"

"Because it's the I got food dance cause food is life."


"You just had to get more groceries?"

"I had to get some stuff for dinner we're going grocery shopping forreal tomorrow."

"Good cause I have a list of stuff I want to get."

"I hope that list of stuff involves some healthy food."

"Yes it does."


"We gotta think of some baby names."

"Are we doing a K thing or no," I asked while looking at Dejah.

"I want to but we have to agree together."

"Alright so if we're having a girl her name can be Kaleigh Dior since Kairi middle name is Chanel," I spoke.

"I see what you did there."

"Mhmm and if we're having a boy his name can be Kaden."

"Kaden what?"

"You pick the middle name."

"Uhh Sebastian."


"You like it."

"Yeah if we're having a boy his middle name will start with an S like yours and his nickname can be Bash."


I wiped my hands and sat my plate down and stood up.

"Don't touch my wings I'm going to go check on Kairi."

"I'm not."

"Yes you are," I said as I headed up the stairs.

Knowing Dejah she's going to eat 3 of my wings and act like I ate them before I left I already know that what I eat is Dejah's too been like that since we got together.

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