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6:00 pm

I'm nervous as fuck right now soon Dee will be delivering our son and I haven't been in this position in 3 years the first time I was shocked seeing everything. 3 years ago this was my face:

I was shocked as hell when Kairi was born but seeing her born was a beautiful sight

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I was shocked as hell when Kairi was born but seeing her born was a beautiful sight. The nurses walked in with everything they needed for Kaarim delivery Dee sat up.

"Wait it's time?"

"Yes ma'am."

My mama walked over to the bed and got Kairi.

"Dave we'll be right outside."


Me and my mama hugged I kissed Kairi forehead she walked out of the room with my pops and Durrell behind her. The nurse adjusted Dee bed there was a knock at the door and Dr. Nina walked in.

"Ready to have Kaarim?"

"I'm ready but I'm not ready."

"That's common."

I walked over to the head of the bed I bent down and kissed Dee.

"I'm right here."


"Dejah bend your legs back for me."

Dee bent her legs back she held out her hand for me to grab and I grabbed it.

"When I start counting I want you to push then once I reach 10 you're going to stop pushing and take some breaths."


"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. That's good Dejah take some breaths."

I looked at Dee as she breathed.

"Okay let's go again."

"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Good Dejah again."

Dejah breathed and started pushing as Dr. Nina counted she squeezed my hand even harder.

"I see hair a few more pushes and you guys will have a handsome baby boy."

I let Dee hand go mama Aaleena stood up and got Dee hand as I got ready to watch Dee push our son out.

"Ugh Dave I swear we're not having anymore kids for the next 3 years," Dee said right before she pushed.

Yeah right I'll give us at least 2 years before she's knocked up again.

I watched as my son came out within three minutes of Dee pushing I smiled widely as Dr. Nina held Kaarim up. I walked over and cut the cord then I followed behind the nurse as she cleaned him up. He look exactly like me but with Dee eyebrows I believe that as he gets older he'll have thick eyebrows like me and Kairi. I stepped away briefly to get Kaarim outfit together ion want him to wear that thin shirt they give newborns.

I walked back over to the nurse and watched as they took Kaarim footprints. I grabbed his hand with my finger he opened his eyes.

"Hey son it's your daddy."

He just stared at me and kept calm not even crying just like his big sister I glanced back over at Dee and she was just chilling after pushing out the after birth.

"Ima go let your big sister and grandma know that you're here love you son," I bent down and kissed Kaarim forehead.

I walked out of the room and over to the waiting room.

"He's here 7 lbs. 5 oz. 22 inches long born at 6:09."

They stood up I dapped up my pops and Durrell I hugged and kissed my mama cheek then I got Kairi.

"Kai your brother is here."


"Yeah mama gave birth to him you ready to go see him."


"Alright beautiful lets go."

We walked into the room seeing Dee holding Kaarim he wasn't swaddled anymore Dee was looking at his outfit then she looked at me.

Only Dave will go ahead and dress my son in a full outfit when he's fresh out the womb. Dave got his phone he snapped a picture of Kaarim and showed me.

"Oh my look at all of that hair," mama Faye spoke

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"Oh my look at all of that hair," mama Faye spoke.

"His hat fell off I'm about to put it back on."

I got Kaarim hat and placed it back on his head.

"Look at my chunky baby," I cooed.

Kaarim just looked at me.

"Ma," I looked at Kairi.

"Hi my other baby."

"Brother," she asked pointing to Kaarim.

"Yes your brother."

Dave carefully placed Kai next to me and I carefully placed Kaarim in her arms.

"I see why you had heartburn a lot," my mama spoke.

"Yeah all of this hair."

I touched Kaarim hair that was poking out of his hat.

"It doesn't even look like you had him Dee."

"Right Dave marked him too he just have my eyebrows but I think when he gets older he's going to have Dave's eyebrows."

Everyone nodded in agreement. I swore up and down that Kaarim was going to come out looking just like me instead he came out looking like Dave expect for his eyebrows that's the only thing he got from me.

"Aww," I cooed as Kai kissed Kaarim and Dave took the picture.

"Babe I'm about to go get some food need me to stop and get you anything?"

"Witch hazel pads."


"Kai you riding with daddy."


Kai kissed Kaarim then kissed me.

"Love you mama."

"Love you too baby."

"And love you brother."

Kai kissed Kaarim once more than she stretched her arms out Dave scooped her up in his arms he kissed Kaarim forehead then me.

"Love you."

"Love you too daddy."

Dave smirked and walked out of the room I grabbed my phone and called Parker she had an appointment today and probably went home and went to sleep. Aisha and her family will be landing soon.

Until The End Of Time (Dave East Story)Where stories live. Discover now