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Dr. Whittek walked into the room she greeted us then she examined Kaarim.

"Dejah is Kaarim still latching onto your breast?"

"Yes and we switched to giving him the bottle since I started back working."

"That's fine and how's Kairi?

"She's great she's going to be starting school in August."

"How does Kaarim sleep?"

"Good wakes up when he's hungry or wet."

"How much does he eat?"

"When he's latched on he eats until he's full on the bottle it's about half way I forgot the ounce amount."

"That's okay."

Dr. Whittek asked a few more questions regarding Kaarim. Dr. Whittek is also Kairi pediatrician once I got full custody of Kairi I immediately found this doctors office and she's been seeing Dr. Whittek since she was a baby.

"You ready for your baby girl to start school Dave?"

"Yeah but I know once she actually goes my entire answer is going to change."

"Yes it is alright the nurse will be in to give Kaarim his shots."

Dee pouted.

"Do he have to?"

"It's highly recommended that he do."


Dr. Whittek nodded and walked out of the room. Few minutes later the nurse walked in with the needles and tubes.

"Dave come hold Kaarim."

I stood up and walked over to the patient table I switched out with Dee.

"He's just going to feel a little pinch."

I nodded and watched everything the nurse was doing I glanced up at Dee seeing her hands covering her face. The nurse gave Kaarim is first shot and he immediately started crying I kissed his forehead trying to calm him down I glanced over at Dee and her shoulders was moving up and down. The nurse finished giving Kaarim his shots told us what to do to help him soothe him since he's going to be irritated and in pain then she walked out I stood up and rocked Kaarim back and forth in my arms soothing his cries.

"It's okay son she's all done."

I kissed his forehead and his cries slowed down I carefully got him dressed and he whined a little.

"Babe you okay?"

"Yeah," Dee said as she sniffed she stood up and got some tissues and wiped her eyes.

I carefully placed Kaarim in his car seat only for him to start back crying Dee walked over to us she grabbed his pacifier.

"It's okay dooda,"Dee placed the pacifier in Kaarim's mouth and he stopped crying Dee grabbed his diaper bag and I picked up the car seat we walked out of the room going to the front to get his next appointment date.

We walked out of the doctors office I unlocked my Rolls doors I opened the door for Dee then I walked around to the other back door and opened it I placed Kaarim car seat in the backseat and I strapped him down. I got in the driver seat I started up the Rolls put the gear in reverse and backed out of the parking spot. I put the gear in drive and drove down the street.


We walked inside of mama Faye and Sr. house Kai came running over to us Dave bent down and picked her up.

"Hey daddy's baby."

"Hey daddy hey Rim," Kai said looking at Kaarim who was sleeping in my arms.

"Rim got his shots today Kai so he's going to be cranky."

Kai pouted.

"Hey Kai."

"Hey mama."

"Kai where's your grandma."


We walked into the kitchen seeing mama Faye cooking.

"Mama what you over the cooking?"

"French toast for Kai."

"Oh okay."

"How was Kaarim appointment?"

"It was good he's still healthy and your daughter over here cried."

I smacked my teeth.

"You cried when Kaarim got his shots," Mama Faye asked.

"Yep she cried."

"I was the same way with you Dave so leave Dee alone."

Dave threw his hands up in surrender.

"I'm cooking tonight y'all staying for dinner."

"Yep cause I'm not cooking."

"Well your daughter has spoken mama."

"Have you two thought about putting Kai in preschool this school year that's coming up?"

"Yep she's going to school."

"I also want to put her either in gymnastics or ballet since she loves to dance and flip around."

"I say ballet you know she loves tutus."

"Well I'll look up a ballet studio for her to join."

My breasts began to get heavy and Kaarim started to whine.

"Mama Faye where can I feed Kaarim."

"The guest room down the hall on the right."

I nodded I quickly walked out of the kitchen going down the hall and to the right I turned on the light I walked over to the chair and sat down I pulled my breast from out of my bra and tank top and latched Kaarim on.

"Babe you need your pump," Dave said as he walked in.

"It's all the way at the house."

"Nah I bought one to have in the car just in case you needed to pump."

"Yes can you please go it cause once he's finished eating I'm going to have to pump to keep them from getting sore."

Dave nodded and walked out of the room I looked down at Kaarim and he was woke I smiled then I kissed his forehead. Kai ran in the room she walked over to me and watched as Kaarim ate. 

Until The End Of Time (Dave East Story)Where stories live. Discover now