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The next day

After talking with Nas for a couple hours Dejah went to go meet up with her and Nas other cousin Yara and she took Kairi with her leaving me and Nas by ourselves.

"Seems like Kairi really took a liking to Dee."

"Yeah she did."

"Dee is pregnant isn't she?"


"Don't huh me Dave Dee is glowing and she has gained weight in her mid-section."

I sighed and nodded.

"Yeah she is."

"Congrats bruh I know you'll make a great father again."

"Thank you."

"What you want Dee to have?"

"Honestly I don't care whether or not she have a boy or a girl just as long as the baby is healthy."

"I have a question."


"Is Kairi like really attached to Dee or she can't stand to be around Dee?"

"Kairi is really attached to Dee everywhere she goes Kairi has to go with her."

"She's having a boy I got another question."

"What's that?"

Before Nas could ask his other question Dejah came in looking irritated while holding Kairi hand.

"What's wrong?"

"Kairi showed out at the restaurant so me and Yara had to leave early so she wouldn't cause a scene."

Kairi let go of Dejah hand and walked over to me I picked Kairi up.

"I didn't even get a chance to eat."

"Ima go see Yara."

We said our goodbyes to Nas Dejah sat next to me.

"Babe I think Kairi have somewhat of an idea that I'm pregnant."

"We need to tell her even if she don't understand fully."


"Kairi you're going to be a big sister."


"Yeah mama is having a baby."

Kairi looked at Dee and furrowed her eyebrows.

"Baby," Kairi questioned and looked at Dee.

"Yeah the baby is growing in mama stomach."

Kairi looked at me then Dee she placed her tiny hands on Dee stomach. Kairi got out of my lap and climbed in Dee lap before she kissed her then laid her head on her stomach. Kairi pulled on her ear.

"Babe I think I know what's going on with Kairi."

"What," Dee asked.

"She have an ear infection."

"How do you know?"

"She's pulling on her ear Ima make her a doctors appointment," I pulled out my phone and unlocked it.

"Okay Ima go cook some food."


Dee sat Kairi down on the couch and went into the kitchen I dialed up Kairi pediatrician then I picked up my baby girl.

Later that day

Dave was right about Kairi having an ear infection Dr. Edwards wrote out a prescription for ear drops for Kairi right now she's sleeping.

"I've been looking all over the house for you," Dave said as he walked in my office.

"I've been in here packaging online orders."

"I can see."

I felt a wave of nausea over me and Dave picked up on it.

"You can do this later babe."

"No I can't Dave."

"Yes you can," Dave helped me up to my feet.

I felt the nauseousness coming back again I got out of Dave's grip and ran out of my office going to one of the bathrooms. I ran in and lifted up the lid to the toilet and emptied the contents in the toilet.

"Babe have you been keeping yourself hydrated," Dave asked as he walked in.

"Yes," I spoke as I slowly stood up and flushed the toilet.

"Okay have you been getting rest at night."

I shook my head no.

"Have you been staying up and eating snacks?"

"Yes," I said as I covered my mouth.

Dave didn't say anything he picked me up and carried me upstairs to our room. Dave walked into the bathroom and placed me on my feet I rinsed my mouth out with water. I grabbed my toothbrush and wet it then I grabbed the toothpaste and put it on my toothbrush I wet my toothbrush again and began brushing my teeth.

"Once you get finished I want you to lay down and get some rest."

I only nodded and continued to brush my teeth as Dave watched me.

Until The End Of Time (Dave East Story)Where stories live. Discover now