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2 weeks later

I'm not like my dad and Sanaa with the Christmas decorations all through out the house I just kept it simple by getting a tree and having Dave to help me decorate it even though he complained the entire time but it was worth seeing Kairi face lit up when she woke up from her nap.

"You done wrapping gifts?"

"Just about I have to finish this last one."

"I told you to not go overboard with buying Kairi things and you did the exact opposite."

"I'm sorry but I just saw so much things that I wanted to get for her to that I spent over $1,000 just on her."

"Oh I know I saw your receipt."

"Kairi is my pretty girl so anything she wants she gets and babe it's not just a one time thing Ima get Kairi stuff through out the year."

"I'm not even going to tell you to not go overboard cause that's just going to go in one ear and out the other."

I rolled my eyes at Dave as I tapped up Kairi last gift I placed the gift under the tree.

"Can you go wake my pretty girl since you made her take a nap?"

"It was her nap time and she needed it."

"Yeah yeah go get her so we can go."

Dave walked out of the living room and down the hall to go get Kairi I stood up and stretched letting some of my bones pop I grabbed my jacket and put it on then I grabbed my purse off of the couch. Dave walked back in the living room with Kairi still sleep.

"I know you not going out like that."


"You got your stomach out and legs out."

"Okay what's wrong with what I have on I'm comfortable."

"But we're in New York in the winter time go ahead and change."


"Don't try and get no attitude I'm just making sure that you don't get sick."

I removed my jacket and sat my purse along with the jacket back on the couch I made my way down the hall into my room.

40 minutes later
We're at Dave's parents house and have been sitting in the car for the past 5 minutes because I don't want to get out.

"Come on scary," Dave said as he stood at the passenger door.

I huffed and got out Kairi reached out for me and I gladly took her from Dave. Dave closed the door and locked my car doors we walked up to his parents house and up the small steps Dave opened the door and walked in I followed close behind him making sure I closed the door behind me.

"Is that you Dave?"

"Yeah mama it's me."

A woman walked out of the kitchen smiling she walked over to Dave and hugged him then she looked at me.

"This must be the infamous Dejah I've been hearing so much about."

"Nice to meet you Mrs. Brewster," I held out my hand and she shook it.

"Same to you honey and call me Ev."


"Dave you take Kairi to her playroom and you go find your father."


Dave took Kairi from me he kissed my forehead and walked away I followed behind Mrs. Ev to the kitchen.

Until The End Of Time (Dave East Story)Where stories live. Discover now