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Tony's POV

The kids were taking ages in the bathroom so Ziva and I went to look for then, I walked into the men as ziva went into the women's.

"Shane are you in here?" I called

No answer

"SHANE!!" I called louder

No answer again. I walk to every cubicle and check them to which I find no one. Then I notice the window is open just enough for someone to get in and out. But the thing that shocked me the most there was a blood trail from the cubicle to the window. I went to see if Ziva had any luck finding the girls but she came out at the same time I did with a look of horror across her face

"Did you find Shane?" She said hopefully

"no did you find the girls?" I ask and she shakes her head slowly.

"I'm calling Gibbs" She said

"Ziva do you have the kids?" He asks quickly into the phone.

"No Gibbs, They are missing" She mutters

"This is not good Lucy,kian,Jemima and Jake are also missing come into the office now" He says and hangs up.

"We have to go to the office" She says and I nod grabbing our stuff

Anna's POV

I awoke in a dark and creepy room that smelt like wet dog

My head was killing me and as I looked down Amelia was lead in my lap her head bleeding, tears escaped my eyes as reality set in.

I looked around and saw my closest friends and my brother sat around me Shane was also awake

"Shane" I whispered. My voice was croaky and my mouth was dry

"Anna are you okay?"His voice was the same

"I'm okay are you?" I ask him back and he nod

Then the others opened there eyes one by one, we were not bound up so I ran over to Jake and held his head so he didn't fall

"where's Jemima?"He asked me with a worried tone.

"I'm here"She shouted from across the room she was holding Amelia whilst I talked to Jake

Then there was a man who came in he looked familiar. I know him he's my dads friend

"Looks like you have awoken. I am going to take one of the girls to have a little fun with me" He said in a sick voice

Then he started to walk towards Amelia

"Don't you dare. I will go" I said and stood up, everyone one gasped

"Very well come with me"Then he flashed me a wicked smile which sent a shiver down my spine.

ncis- the case that changed everything (now under editing)Where stories live. Discover now